Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of April 7, 2019


Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for this second week of April. First let me remind everyone that you will be receiving your child’s report card this Wednesday, and as always you can view the daily progress at any time using our parent portal.   

As for this week we have many activities packed into the week. With our state testing starting next week we will be busy preparing our children for those tests with our preparatory assemblies and assurances that no matter how our children score on the test it is more the effort they put into the test. Our children have traditionally worked so hard during these state tests, so we have faith that will be the case again this year. We have other important happenings this week with our NEPTO parents meeting on Wednesday in the cafeteria beginning at 6:00 p.m. Our Band Parent’s Meeting at 7:00 p.m. immediately follows this meeting. The band parent meeting is a mandatory meeting for parents as we review the expectations for our band trip in May. On Thursday our Reading Olympics competitors will be competing at Easton High School.  

In sports this week our soccer team is scheduled to play twice and our girls softball team will play three times this week. Both teams will play Nitschmann here at home tomorrow. On Wednesday our softball team continues play at Eyer. Finally both teams play at home on Friday. Soccer plays Trexler and our girls’ softball team plays Broughal. We hope everyone has a pleasant remainder to your Sunday.