Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of September 15, 2019


Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for the week of September 15th. First, sorry about the confusion last week as this is the week our NEPTO organization and Band parents meet on Wednesday. Our NEPTO meeting begins at 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria and is followed by our Band Parent Meeting at 7:00 p.m. We hope to see you all there. Also, this week our Northeast Parent/Teacher Organization (NEPTO) sponsors its’ first Northeast Eats Out Night. One of our wonderful partners, Martellucci’s Pizza, will be donating a percentage of proceeds from their sales on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this coming week to our parent organization. A big thank you as always to Martellucci’s and our parent organization and all they do for our children.   

Speaking of thanking our partners, we extend a big thank you also to Giant Foods for the tremendous generosity they show to our school. Between the Giant Bonus Cards A+ School Rewards to their in-kind food donations they are truly a friend of Northeast and have been for the past number of years.  

 Moving on to some in-school classroom news, believe it or not, the end of our week is actually the mid-point of the quarter. Though we no longer send home “official” mid-quarter progress reports, we need to remind our parents to stay on top of your children’s school performance through our Home Access Center and Schoology. We are trying our best to keep you as parents and guardians up to date with everything we are expecting of your children. Should you have difficulty or issues accessing your child’s information, please reach out to your child’s Team Leader immediately.    

Lastly, we end this week celebrating our PROUD Society through our Fall PROUD -A-THON.   This is scheduled for Friday. It is our way of acknowledging our students hard work and effort and helping them understand that here at Northeast we work hard and we also look to play hard. Speaking of playing hard, our fall sports schedule really heats up this week with Volleyball playing twice, Cross Country having a meet and football ending the week on Saturday at home against Parkland.  Our Volleyball team plays two of our Allentown schools. On Tuesday they play at home against Trexler, and on Thursday they play away against South Mountain. Cross Country runs a meet at Nazareth on Thursday. Thank you and have a great remainder to your weekend!