Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for March 12, 2020 – Day 3


MR. HUIE’S 8th GRADE MUSIC CLASS STUDENTS: 8th graders, if you were in Mr. Huie’s music class this past rotation please make sure that you get your final project to Mr. Huie as soon as possible so he can grade it. Thank you.

POPCORN: Good morning Northeast: We will be selling popcorn for 5 hornet fives next week during lunches. Popcorn will be available to 8th grade and 6th grade Team Purpose only on Thursday, March 12th. Popcorn will be available to 7th Grade and 6th grade Team Impact and Team Leader’s Rock only on Friday March 13th. Please wait patiently for your table to be called. Proud society members will receive their popcorn at no charge, if and only if, they are wearing their Proud T- shirts. No exceptions. Popcorn… Mmmmmmmmmmm.



  • AFTER SCHOOL VOCAL GROUPS: REHEARSAL SCHEDULE:Mon., Mar. 9 – Girls Group; Tues., Mar. 10 – NE Singers – all; Wed., Mar. 11 – No rehearsal – early dismissal; Thurs., Mar. 12 – Boys Group
  • MUSICAL: OOTI cast: please return your scripts ASAP to Mrs. Parker or turn in $12 if you have lost it. Thank you.
  • WORLD PERCUSSION: Practice is on Thursday after school. Don’t forget your permission forms!


  • CROSS COUNTRY: Any student interested in running with Northeast’s Cross Country coaches and joining the team next year come run with us. We will be running on Mondays and Wednesday until 4:10PM starting March 23rd. If you’re interested stop by room A106 on the 7th grade floor or room A206 on the sixth grade floor to pick up a permission form.
  • GIRLS VOLLEYBALL: Attention Sixth Grade Girls – Are you interested in playing volleyball next year? Then come to the Volleyball Open Gyms starting next week! Open Gyms will be held on March 10, 12, 17, 19 and 23 from 3:15-4:15. If you have any questions, see Mr. Reiss in Room A304 or Mrs. Dougherty in Room A106.
  • GIRLS VOLLEYBALL SUMMER CAMP: Any 6th, 7th, or 8th Grade girl interested in attending Liberty High School’s four- day Youth Volleyball Camp this summer please see either Mr. Reiss in Room A304 or Mrs. Dougherty in Room A106 for an informational flyer and application. Space is limited, so sign up soon!
  • SOCCER: Tryouts for the Northeast Soccer team is this week. It is only be for 7th and 8th graders. Tryouts will last until 4:30pm each day. Please have your physicals or Re- certs handed in to Coach Spieker in room A109. You MUST have your PHYSICAL OR RE-CERTS are handed in. Please bring cleats and sneakers, warm close, water bottles every day. If you have any questions, please see Coach Spieker in room A108 on the 7th Gr. Floor.

DISMISSAL: Students please note that you are not permitted to remain in the building after dismissal unless you are involved in an activity. If you are waiting for a friend, please wait outside of the building.

SAFE TO TELL: It’s SAFE to Tell.”  The SAFE Team exists to help students with problems in a confidential manner to help remove any and all barriers to education.  You can refer your friends or yourself.  Just fill out the SAFE to Tell form which you can find in your homeroom, Student Services, the Library and the Main Office and drop the form in the SAFE Box or give it to your homeroom teacher who will deposit the form for you.  Don’t worry, “It’s Safe To Tell.