Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of March 22, 2020


Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for the week of March 22nd:

We are trying to keep in touch as we are really missing our children after these 1st five days of school closure. Due to our nation’s escalating public health concerns regarding the coronavirus, please note the district is doing its’ best to keep you up to date regarding our response and management plan to safeguard and educate our students as best that we can. This information can be found on our district website as well as on our school’s website and it is being updated almost daily. In fact yesterday a link was sent out for parents to access free Wifi from RCN for the next 60 days. I know this can be of a great benefit for our families living in and around the Pembroke area. This is a time for our community and our nation to come together to overcome the challenges we face and I know if our Nation is anything like our Northeast community, we will overcome this pandemic!

As we move into day six of our school closure, please know information will be
forthcoming from the district regarding our procedures and operations should we move into “Tier 5” school closure. This will include how we will push out education
opportunities for our children in our attempts to keep our children learning. Also be
reminded that Northeast continues to be a food distribution site for the district and that for now breakfasts and lunches can be picked up for our children between the hours of 10 am and 1 pm every weekday. Children must be present to receive the meals. These are times none of us have ever experienced and we hope we never have to experience again. Remember to listen to the experts regarding social distancing and good hygiene and may you and your family remain safe and healthy. Have a great remainder to your Sunday and know that we really miss having our children at school!!