Home / News / Student Chromebook Not Working? Having Trouble Accessing a BASD Online Resources? Here’s How to Get BASD IT Help…


If students or parents need assistance in understanding the online resources provided by the district, please visit https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTilolB40txW0DoWqGbq6JEYkX5_0CDB9IyIR4kbcl3QFZsrzFwDMtFPLU6RlNZwOOB0yFzZucnnFDR/pub

If student or parents need IT Help because they are experiencing an issue when trying to log into a BASD online system, or when working in a BASD online system, etc., please complete this form https://forms.gle/ZJE6SJNaX6RSSd927 providing as much information as possible in the Description about the technology issues you’re experiencing.  Once submitted, this form will create a Service Desk ticket and a BASD Information Services Department team member will contact you via email.  The email contact you will receive will be from ISD Service Desk.

If your parent is currently not receiving emails from the school district or your school and they have an email address, please ask them to submit an IT Help ticket and in the Description enter that they would like their email address added to your records.  Their email address is requested on the form.