Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of April 5, 2020


Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for the week of April 5th as we continue to attempt to bring some normalcy to our school year that has been interrupted by the COVID-19 virus.

This week begins our second week of Tier 5 assignments being sent to children electronically through Schoology. Please remind our students to be checking their email and logging into Schoology to check messages each and every day. Last week’s assignments are due to be completed by tomorrow at noon. The assignments provided to the students are not intended to substitute for the instruction they are missing by not being in school as there really is no replacement for face to face instruction. With that said though it is still important that these assignments are completed to the best of our student’s ability in order to pass the 4th quarter. Every subject gives our students a week to complete their assignments, and it is important that our students are handing work back in on a weekly basis.  Parents, please continue to encourage your child to log into Schoology and check their messages on a daily basis and check their email. Education, especially now, is a partnership amongst all of us and together we will prevail through this very trying time.

As for the third quarter, we end grading as of tomorrow and our teachers are in the process of inputting grades. Report cards will be mailed out next week; however report cards are also able to be retrieved in our Student Access Center online. Finally please be reminded that Northeast serves as a food distribution center for our children and in an attempt to minimize the risk of exposure it will only operate on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 1p.m. Please know that multiple breakfast and lunch items will be provided in order to provide for the entire week.

As we have stated before, these are times none of us have ever experienced and we hope we never have to experience again. Please remember to listen to the experts regarding social distancing and good hygiene and may you and your family remain safe and healthy. Have a great remainder to your Sunday and know that we really miss being at school and having our children at school!!