Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of April 26, 2020


Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for the week of April 26th and the week that begins the month of May!! It is so difficult to realize that this week begins our FIFTH week of Tier 5 assignments being sent to children electronically through Schoology. Though our student commitment to completing the assignments online has been very positive, we added incentives to the assignment’s completion through the assignment of virtual “Hornet Fives”. For sixth and seventh grade students, we will not only be completing weekly “drawings” using these incentives, but we will also be cashing in the Hornet Fives for Proud Pounds that can be accumulated for next year’s P.R.O.U.D. Society. We have said we have always dreamed of a day where all of our children were in our P.R.O.U.D. Society, and this may do it for next year.  As for our 8th grade students, we are working more closely on weekly raffles and also working with Liberty for possible “prizes” such as Liberty gear. There will be more to come regarding that detail. We ask parents to continue to remind our students to be checking their email and logging into Schoology to check messages each and every day. We are trying very hard to keep our students engaged and involved in their school work and in our school community. 

Speaking of school community, we have begun to have discussions on how we are transitioning our 8th grade students out of Northeast and on to Liberty.  While so much is dependent on what becomes of this COVID-19 virus, we are planning on having some type of “Moving Up” ceremony. So 8th grade students and parents please stay tuned, and we will let you know as our planning becomes clearer. Remember that as information regarding our future plans become finalized, we will continue to update our school’s website under information contained in the Frequently Asked Questions document.  Please refer to it to answer many of the questions we have been getting regarding this unprecedented time and how we are dealing with it as a school. 

Finally, as we have noted every week please be reminded that Northeast serves as a food distribution center for our children on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 1p.m.  Please know that multiple breakfast and lunch items are distributed in order to provide for the entire week. 

Have a great remainder to your Sunday.