Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of September 20, 2020


Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for the week of September 20th. We start out by sharing some positive news. Beginning Tuesday, September 22nd and through December 31st, 2020, or until funding expires, we will offer breakfasts and lunches, free of charge, to all students, regardless of their current meal benefit status of paid, free, or reduced. Remember breakfast students must be in the cafeteria prior to 8:00 a.m. Doors open for breakfast at 7:40 a.m. In addition, at our meal distribution sites, beginning tomorrow, Monday, September 21st, we will provide meals, free of charge, to children age 18 and under who reside in Bethlehem who may be having their education provided virtually in our e-Classrooms or BASD Cyber program. This is all good news in this very difficult time as we try our best to balance all the challenges and stresses brought about as a result of this COVID 19 pandemic.   

 Now let’s move on to school happenings. We are finding that our hybrid learning students are tremendously engaged when they are here at school, but for the many of them, as well as for many of our e-Classroom students, work at home is not up to an acceptable standard. Now we understand the challenges of learning in the “virtual” world, but there are too many students who are not even attempting the work and not reaching out to their teachers for help. Believe it or not, midquarters are less than 2 weeks from now, and we probably have a hundred plus students failing multiple subjects, not because of a lack of ability, but rather because of a lack of effort. Parents this is where we need you to provide your children with the oversight needed to ensure their work is at least being attempted. Please make them show you their Schoology and agendas, or trust us that you will not like what you may see in two weeks. If you have questions about Schoology, please reach out to your child’s team leader, counselor or Mrs. Rodriquez in our main office.   

Finally, note that this week we will begin sending out notifications regarding the joining of the various clubs and activities we will offer here at school as well as virtually. Please check our daily announcements for information regarding these extra-curricular activities, as we firmly believe a child that is involved outside of the classroom does better in the classroom. Thank you and have a great remainder to your weekend!

Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends.  Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for the week of September 21st.  We start out by sharing some positive news.  Beginning Tuesday, September 22nd and through December 31st, 2020, or until funding expires, we will offer breakfasts and lunches, free of charge, to all students, regardless of their current meal benefit status of paid, free, or reduced.  Remember breakfast students must be in the cafeteria prior to 8:00 a.m.  Doors open for breakfast at 7:40 a.m.  In addition, at our meal distribution sites, beginning tomorrow, Monday, September 21st, we will provide meals, free of charge, to children age 18 and under who reside in Bethlehem who may be having their education provided virtually in our e-Classrooms or BASD Cyber program.  This is all good news in this very difficult time as we try our best to balance all the challenges and stresses brought about as a result of this COVID 19 pandemic.   


Now let’s move on to school happenings.  We are finding that our hybrid learning students are tremendously engaged when they are here at school, but for the many of them, as well as for many of our e-Classroom students, work at home is not up to an acceptable standard.  Now we understand the challenges of learning in the “virtual” world, but there are too many students who are not even attempting the work and not reaching out to their teachers for help.  Believe it or not, midquarters are less than 2 weeks from now, and we probably have a hundred plus students failing multiple subjects, not because of a lack of ability, but rather because of a lack of effort.   Parents this is where we need you to provide your children with the oversight needed to ensure their work is at least being attempted.  Please make them show you their Schoology and agendas, or trust us that you will not like what you may see in two weeks.  If you have questions about Schoology, please reach out to your child’s team leader, counselor or Mrs. Rodriquez in our main office.   


Finally, note that this week we will begin sending out notifications regarding the joining of the various clubs and activities we will offer here at school as well as virtually.  Please check our daily announcements for information regarding these extra-curricular activities, as we firmly believe a child that is involved outside of the classroom does better in the classroom.  Thank you and have a great remainder to your weekend!

Buenas tardes Familia y Amigos de Northeast. Aquí está nuestro “Shout Out” de la semana del 21 de septiembre. Comenzamos compartiendo algunas noticias positivas. A partir del martes 22 de septiembre y hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2020, o hasta que expiren los fondos, ofreceremos desayunos y almuerzos, sin cargo, a todos los estudiantes, independientemente de su estado actual de beneficios de comidas de pago, gratis o reducido. Recuerde que los estudiantes que desayunan deben estar en la cafetería antes de las 8:00 a.m. Las puertas se abren para el desayuno a las 7:40 a.m. Además, en nuestros sitios de distribución de comidas, a partir de mañana, lunes 21 de septiembre, proporcionaremos comidas, sin cargo, a niños de 18 años o menos que residen en Bethlehem y que pueden recibir su educación virtualmente en nuestros e-Classrooms o el programa BASD Cyber. Todas estas son buenas noticias en este momento tan difícil, ya que hacemos todo lo posible para balancear todos los desafíos y tensiones provocados como resultado de esta pandemia de COVID 19. 

Pasemos ahora a los acontecimientos escolares. Descubrimos que nuestros estudiantes de aprendizaje híbrido están tremendamente comprometidos cuando están aquí en la escuela, pero para muchos de ellos, así como para muchos de nuestros estudiantes de e-Classroom, el trabajo en casa no está a un nivel aceptable. Ahora entendemos los desafíos del aprendizaje en el mundo “virtual”, pero hay demasiados estudiantes que ni siquiera intentan el trabajo y no buscan ayuda de sus maestros. Lo crea o no, los informes intermedios de progreso son en menos de 2 semanas a partir de ahora, y probablemente tengamos más de cien estudiantes reprobando varias materias, no por falta de habilidad, sino por falta de esfuerzo. Padres, aquí es donde necesitamos que proporcionen a sus hijos la supervisión necesaria para garantizar que al menos se intente su trabajo. Por favor, haga que le muestren su Schoology y sus agendas, o confíe en nosotros que no le gustará lo que puede ver en dos semanas. Si tiene preguntas sobre Schoology, comuníquese con el líder del equipo de su hijo, el consejero o la Sra. Rodríguez en nuestra oficina principal.

Finalmente, tenga en cuenta que esta semana comenzaremos a enviar notificaciones con respecto a la participación en los diversos clubes y actividades que ofreceremos aquí en la escuela, así como virtualmente. Por favor, consulte nuestros anuncios diarios para obtener información sobre estas actividades, ya que creemos firmemente que un niño que participa fuera del salón se desempeña mejor en el salón. ¡Gracias y que tenga un gran resto de su fin de semana!