Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of January 3, 2021


Good afternoon Northeast Families and Friends. Happy New Year! Here is our first Northeast “Shout Out” for the year 2021. We hope our students have enjoyed their holiday and are ready to return to their virtual classes this week. We are also hopeful that beginning on the 12th of January we will be returning to our hybrid, in-person schedule for learning. However, this week we will stay virtual to allow for more time of mitigation since the holiday. As we start the New Year, let us be mindful of the routines and procedures that make us successful with our school work, and please encourage our students to practice those routines and procedures daily. These may include getting a good night’s sleep, writing out a schedule for the day, completing a “to do” list of required activities and lessons and staying healthy by washing our hands frequently, social distancing and wearing a mask when in the company of others. If we can help our students master these procedures and routines, we can almost guarantee that 2021 will be a great year.

On the school front for this first week back we start the year meeting with our Liberty High School administration and counselors to start the process we will follow for the scheduling of our 8th grade students into the high school. More information regarding this process will follow.

Our wishes for this year are that it be the best year ever in the lives of our students, our families and our community.  Again, Happy New Year!