Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of May 16, 2021


Good afternoon Northeast Families and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for the week of May 16th. First let us remind everyone that there is no school on Tuesday, live or virtual, as schools are closed for the primary elections. The last mid-quarters for the year were mailed out on Friday, and we are now in the process of making decisions for next year. This includes placement of students. If you have questions regarding your child’s status, please reach out to your child’s guidance counselor.  

Now as this month of May continues here at school, our 8th grade students enrolled in Algebra will be starting their state testing this week when they take the Keystone tests on Wednesday and Thursday. All other students will be taking the Pennsylvania State School Assessments beginning next week. If you made the decision to not have your child test with the PSSAs, you should have received specific information in the mail as to what expectations students not testing will have during the two weeks of PSSA testing. Again, if you have questions, please reach out to your child’s guidance counselor. 

Looking forward to next week, on May 24th and the 25th there will be majorette practice for any student interested in being a Northeast majorette next school year. Practice will be in the gym from 6:00pm to 8:00pm in preparation for tryouts. Tryouts will be on May 26th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm in the main gym. Please contact Mrs. Ruhf at jaruhf@basdschools.org and Miss. Garza at lgarza@basdschools.org if you are interested. 

Finally, as we have shouted out for the past few weeks, we are looking forward to the summer plans we are offering our students. Please look online for the summer experiences we are offering and should you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s guidance counselor or to our Community School Coordinator, Kim Bush.  

Have a great remainder to your Sunday.