Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of September 5, 2021


Good afternoon Northeast family and friends! We start our Northeast Sunday Shout-Out with a hope that everyone is enjoying this 3-day weekend thus far and all of our students are looking forward to returning to school Tuesday morning.  We completed our first week of school since March 13th of 2019. It was wonderful to watch old friends say hello and new friendships begin. I want to thank everyone for making our return to Northeast such a success.

It was great to see so many of you here at our Open House on Thursday night. I hope you enjoyed visiting the school and meeting your students’ teachers. We were glad we had such a pleasant evening.

If you are transporting your child to and from school, please make sure to do it safely and responsibly. It is important that we all work together to make sure the children are prepared to enter the building at 8:05am in a safe manner. Please remember to look out for student crossing guards and our own Officer Elias.

We will begin enrolling students in after school activities and clubs over the next two weeks. Most of these activities and clubs will begin the last week of September. Please encourage your students to get involved in one of our clubs.

We will have a school-wide remembrance of Patriot Day on Friday September 10th. This year marks the 20th anniversary of that tragic day. Our teachers and especially our social studies department have lessons planned for the students in remembrance of September 11th, 2001.

As always should you ever need assistance, please call our school office at 610-868-8581, and we will do everything we can to assist you. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your 3-day weekend.