Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of September 12, 2021


Hello Hornet Nation and this is the Sunday shout out for September 12th. It was wonderful to see so many of you at our open house on September 2nd. I hope you enjoyed your visit to the school and an opportunity to meet and talk with your students’ teachers in a casual setting. I hope you had the opportunity to read the Morning Call article about our teachers and their preparation for our September 11th, Patriot Day ceremony. Our teachers and students did a wonderful job in their classroom lessons. I would like to extend a thank you to former Northeast student and current Liberty High School senior Zane Landis, who came back to speak for the event. I also would like to recognize Logan Daley and Jaden Szukics who came from Liberty High School and played the bagpipes. Our Hornet marching band performed several marches and patriotic songs including the Star Spangled Banner. Seventh grader, Christian Hackett performed a solo performance of taps. Overall, the ceremony was an appropriate honoring of Patriot Day.

I would like to remind everyone that on Thursday, September 16th there will be no school in honor of Yom Kippur. School resumes on Friday the 17th as normal.

Respectfully, Theo Quinones, Principal