Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for September 20, 2021- Day 2


ATTENDANCE AWARENESS: Happy Attendance Awareness Month! Did you know that missing just two days of school each month means that you are chronically absent? That’s right, just missing two days is a big deal. Why? Missing a day of school is like  missing 8 TV shows that everyone else is talking about! When you return to the  classroom, you’ve missed what everyone else did the day before and you are lost. After a  while, these missed days add up. Coming to school every day is vital to your success.  Attend today; achieve tomorrow!


  • AFTER SCHOOL VOCAL GROUPS: Congratulations to the new members of our after school vocal groups for the upcoming  year! If you auditioned for a vocal group, please check your email to find Mrs. Parker’s message regarding rehearsals for the week ahead. -Boys Group will meet today, Monday,  September 20th from 3:15-4:15 in the chorus  room. -Northeast Singers will meet on Tuesday, September 21st from 3:15-4:15 in the chorus room. -Girls Group will meet on Wednesday, September 22nd from 3:15-4:15 in the chorus room. If there are any questions or concerns, either  see or email Mrs. Parker at dparker@basdschools.org. Congratulations and thank you for making us Northeast Proud!
  • FRENCH CLUB: French club is starting up for a limited  number of 7th and 8th graders. It will  take place once each month to  celebrate culture and customs. Please see Mrs. Johnson in B202 for a  permission slip.
  • WORLD PERCUSSIONAttention 8th grade students, World Percussion Ensemble auditions will be WEDNESDAY after school in Mr. Huie’s room,  D104. If you can’t make it that day, see Mr. Huie ASAP. Hope to see everyone then!
  • YANA CLUB: YANA is a new club this year just for 6th graders. YANA stands for You Are Not Alone. The transition to middle  school can be difficult. A213 is the  place to be after school on Thursdays. Gather with others to discuss concerns, do crafts, and play  games is what YANA will do. See Ms. Anderson in A213 for a permission slip. YANA club’s first meeting is on Thursday, September 23rd.