Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for October 25, 2021- Day 3


WALKATON: Students, have you made your online account to fundraise for the Walkathon?  Remember to scan your QR code and make your account. We will have a raffle for an Amazon gift card for anyone that creates an online FundHub account. Also, if your class has the most money raised at the end of week 1, some donuts are coming your way!  So make your account and text or share it today!


  • AFTER SCHOOL VOCAL GROUPS: There will be NO after school rehearsals during the week of October 25th due to our Sister Act Jr. auditions…hope to see you there!
  • CHESS CLUB will meet on Thursday, October 28th in Mr. Wynn’s classroom after school.
  • DISC GOLF CLUB will meet next Monday, October 25th in Mr. Wynn’s classroom.
  • FRENCH CLUB: The next French Club meeting will be Wednesday, October 27 right after school in room B202. See you there!
  • GUITAR CHORDS 101: This Thursday and Friday, October 28th and 29th, are the final days for the Guitar Chords 101 course…see you then!
  • LACROSSE: Do you want to learn how to play the fastest game on two feet called Lacrosse? Well here is your opportunity. Both girls and boys in grades 6, 7 & 8 are invited to come out and play lacrosse next Wednesday, October 27th after school from 3:00-4:30. You can learn as well as play. We have sticks, equipment and coaches to help you get started. So come out next Wednesday and have some fun learning a new sport called Lacrosse with your friends. No experience needed. Please see Mr. Flok in room B-201 for more information. Go Hornets!
  • MUSICAL: Auditions for the musical Sister Act Jr. will be held October 25th and 26th in the auditorium from 3:15-6:00. See Mrs. Parker with any questions. Do you need the information packet? See Mrs. Parker ASAP! Those who are auditioning should remember to bring their packets. Please remember to wear sneakers so that you can dance. You do NOT have to memorize any of the sides or the vocal auditions. Bring your “A game” to auditions!
  • ROCK ART CLUB will meet on Wednesday and Thursday this week.
  • STEP & DANCE TEAMS: Practice is this TUESDAY, October 26, after school. Please don’t be late and be ready to have fun and work hard.
  • WORLD PERCUSSIONPractice is THURSDAY, October 28, after school.