Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for October 29, 2021- Day 1


AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS: Attention Students in After School Programs! At the end of the school day. if you are participating in an After School program, go to your locker to collect the items you need to take home, and then proceed directly to your After School program. You may not leave the school building and then come back into the building. Once your activity is over, you must leave the building. Students not involved in After School programs are not allowed to remain in the building and are not allowed to wait for other students.

NORTHEAST BAND: At the Liberty Freedom Football game tomorrow, our Northeast Middle School band is performing along with Liberty, Freedom, and all three other middle school bands at the BASD stadium. On Sunday Northeast’s Band is marching in the Bethlehem Halloween parade from 1-4 PM. Come out and support our Northeast Band!!

PICTURE RETAKES will be held on Thursday, November 4th.  Any student who would like to have their picture retaken must bring their picture packet with them on retake day. Students who were absent on picture day can have their picture taken on retake day.  Orders can be placed online or please stop by Student Services for an order form.

WALKATON: Thank you to all students who have made an online account for our Walkathon fundraiser! All students who made an online account as of yesterday are invited to stop by Mrs. Frank’s room for a donut today during Hornet block. Your homeroom teacher will tell you if you are one of those students!


  • DISC GOLF/ULTIMATE FRISBEE CLUB: Our next meeting will be next Wednesday, November 3rd, after school. We are always accepting new members. Please se Mr. Wynn in A103 for permission slips! See you then!
  • GUITAR CHORDS 101: This Thursday and Friday, October 28th and 29th, are the final days for the Guitar Chords 101 course…see you then!
  • JOURNALISM CLUB: Our next meeting will be on November 11th, Thursday. Please log into the Journalism Schoology Group page and complete the Roles Survey as soon as possible. Again our next meeting will be in two weeks, November 11th and you have a Roles Survey in updates in the journalism Schoology group page.
  • MUSICAL: Thank you to the 56 students who auditioned for Sister Act Jr.! Thank you for sharing your talent. On Friday, October 29th the cast list will be posted. Our read through for all cast members will be Wednesday, November 3rd after school in the auditorium. You make us Northeast PROUD!
  • READING OLYMPICS: Do you have a love for reading and competition? If so, join Northeast’s Reading Olympic team! Together we will read popular books and prepare to compete in a Jeopardy-style competition. Reading Olympics will begin Monday, November 15th. We will meet in A300, Mrs. Roehrenbeck’s reading room on the 8th-grade floor during hornet block every day 5. Please see Mr. Wynn in A103 for a permission slip.


  • BOYS BASKETBALL: Attention 8th Grade Boys. There will be a boys basketball open gym for 8th grade ONLY, on Friday, 10/29. See Coach Carlstrom in D106 if you have  any questions.