Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for November 16, 2021- Day 6


STUDENT LEADERSHIP FOOD DRIVE: Student Leadership Thanksgiving food drive is in full swing! Each homeroom has a box and a list of food items we are collecting. Our goal is to get 30 complete Thanksgiving meals to deliver right back to our families here at  Northeast! Please bring in your  donations, and see a Student LeadershipRep or Mrs. Derrington in  room A312 with questions. 

WINTER COATSBRRRRRRRRR – Students- Need of  a new winter coat? Teachers, know a  student that might be chilly? Stop by A312 and see Mrs. Derrington!


  • AFTER SCHOOL VOCAL GROUPS: Attention Mrs. Parker’s musicians! The rehearsal schedule for the upcoming week is as follows: Monday, November 15, 2021 – Boys Group until 4 PM; Tuesday, November 16, 2021 – NE Singers until 4:15; Wednesday, November 17, 2021 – Girls Group until 4 PM, NE Girls Barbershop until 4:30
  • CHESS CLUB: Our next meeting is on Thursday, November 18th after school in A103. Please see Mr. Wynn for a permission slip if you would like to join our club.
  • DANCE TEAMPractice on Wednesday. It will be so  much fun!
  • FRENCH CLUB: Meeting Wednesday, November 17, in room  B202 till 4:05pm. See you there!
  • HOMEWORK CLUBS: If you are in 7th or 8th grade and need help with your assignments, join homework clubs on Tuesdays and Thursdays! 8th grade meets in Mrs. Papagni’s room in B305 and 7th graders meet in Ms. Rinaldi’s room A112. You get a snack and milk, too!
  • JOURNALISM CLUB: Our next meeting will be Thursday, November 18th during Hornet Block in Mr. Wynn’s room A103
  • READING OLYMPICS: Reading Olympics is canceled TODAY We will meet on the next Day 5 in A300, Mrs. Roehrenbeck’s reading room on the 8th-grade floor during Hornet Block! If you have a love for reading and competition please join our club! See Mr. Wynn in A103 for a permission slip.
  • SISTER ACT, JR: Are you a member of the cast of Sister Act Jr. who has not picked up a script yet? If so, please stop by the chorus room during homeroom only to pick up the script. Do you have a schedule and contract? You’ll need that too…you won’t get a script without your signed form. See Mrs. Parker with any questions.
  • STEP TEAM: Practice today! Can’t wait to see you step!
  • SUPER HERO CLUBRemember Wednesday, Nov 17th is the last day of Super Hero Research Club. Members MUST have their ESSAYS completed in order to join the Pizza Party! Please bring in your $2, if you haven’t done so, to Mr. Spieker or Mr.  Borso!
  • WORLD PERCUSSION: Practice on Thursday! Let’s get those  beats going


  • GIRLS BASKETBALL: Attention 7th and 8th grade girls interested in trying out for Basketball. A final open gym will be held Thursday, November 18th after school. Tryouts will be held Friday, November 19th after school and Tuesday, November 23rd from 10am- 12pm. You must have a physical from completed in order to tryout. Please see Coach Rodriguez or Coach Schaffrick with any questions or concerns.