Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for December 2, 2021- Day 6


PERFORMANCE AT SOUTHMONT CENTER: On Friday, December 3rd our select Northeast music ensembles will be performing outdoors at Barnes and Noble at the Southmont Center from 6-8 PM. Hope to see our NE family there!

WINTER COATSBRRRRRRRRR – Students- Need of  a new winter coat? Teachers, know a  student that might be chilly? Stop by A312 and see Mrs. Derrington!


  • AFTER SCHOOL VOCAL GROUPS: The rehearsal schedule for the upcoming week is as follows: Tuesday, November 30th – NE Singers from 3:10-4:15; Wednesday, December 1st – Boys Group and Girls Group from 3:10-4:15 : Friday, December 3rd – NE Girls Barbershop from 3:10-3:30
  • CHESS CLUB will meet next week on Wednesday, December 8th after school in A103. Please see Mr. Wynn if you would like to join the club!
  • HOMEWORK CLUBS: If you are in 7th or 8th grade and need help with your assignments, join our Homework Clubs on Tuesdays and Thursdays! 8th grade meets in Mrs. Papagni’s room in B305 and 7th graders meet in Ms. Rinaldi’s room A112. You get a snack and milk, too!
  • JOURNALISM CLUB: Our next meeting will be on Day 2, Monday, December 6th during Hornet Block in Mr. Wynn’s room A103.
  • READING OLYMPICS: Reading Olympics will meet again, December 8th day 5 in A300, Mrs. Roehrenbeck’s reading room on the 8th-grade floor during Hornet Block! If you have a love for reading and competition please join our club! See Mr. Wynn in A103 for a permission slip.
  • SISTER ACT, JR: From Mrs. Parker to the cast of Sister Act Jr.
    1.  Please be sure to bring in your purple contract ASAP. If you need another one, please come to the chorus room and get one. Once we receive your paper, you’ll receive your script. That leads to number  2.
    2. If you have not picked up your script yet, please do so. See Mrs. Parker in the chorus room with any questions. If you are unable to commit to the musical,  please email either Natalie (nparker@basdschools.org) or Mrs. Parker  (dparker@basdschools.org) to let us know of what you are thinking of or are  concerned with in regards to your time. One thing that students will tell you is that both Natalie and I are flexible when it comes to helping others to  manage time in a schedule. Reach  out with any questions or concerns. 
    3. WE SEE EACH OTHER ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4th! Be sure to have your schedule and a  pencil with you. Email us with whether or  not you will be attending…we need a donut count for Saturday morning. Be sure you have footwear that will allow you to dance (no sandals, please) as well as clothing that will allow you to move freely. The schedule for Saturday is: *Deloris/Tina/Nina/Michelle/Elle from 9- 10 AM; *Entire Cast from 10 AM until noon 
    4. LISTEN TO ANNOUNCEMENTS each day in homeroom as well as follow our schedule. Don’t let any rehearsal days be a surprise to you. 
    5. Due to a schedule change, Mrs. Parker will now be able to rehearse with cast vocals on both Monday, December 13th  and Monday, December 20th from 3:15- 4:15. Could you please add these two  dates to your schedule? Thank you for your flexibility. Be sure to bring your scripts and a pencil! We are looking forward to seeing YOU!