Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for December 7, 2021- Day 3


WINTER COATSBRRRRRRRRR – Students- Need of  a new winter coat? Teachers, know a  student that might be chilly? Stop by A312 and see Mrs. Derrington!

WINTER CONCERT: Northeast Middle School has its Winter Concert, featuring the orchestra, world percussion ensemble, and choruses on Thursday, December 9th at 7 PM. We will live stream the concert at YouTube.com/BASDPA


  • AFTER SCHOOL VOCAL GROUPS & CHORUS: On Tuesday, December 7th, all chorus members are to report to the chorus room at the beginning of 2nd period, bringing your backpacks with you.  We will warm up in preparation for today’s concert for 7th graders during 3rd and 4th periods. There is rehearsal on Tuesday, December 7th and Wednesday, December 8th for Boys Group, Girls Group, and NE Singers from 3:15 until 4:15. We have our concert coming up on Thursday, December 9th! Chorus members are to report to school no earlier than 6:30 in the evening, wearing a white top and black bottom. Do you need either a white top or black bottom, students? If so, please see Mrs. Parker after school on Tuesday or Wednesday. You can also visit during Hornet Block as well. Thank you for your time and talent.
  • CHESS CLUB will meet next week on Wednesday, December 8th after school in A103. Please see Mr. Wynn if you would like to join the club!
  • DANCE TEAM: Practice is on Wednesday after school until 4:30.
  • HOMEWORK CLUBS: If you are in 7th or 8th grade and need help with your assignments, join our Homework Clubs on Tuesdays and Thursdays! 8th grade meets in Mrs. Papagni’s room in B305 and 7th graders meet in Ms. Rinaldi’s room A112. You get a snack and milk, too!.
  • READING OLYMPICS: Reading Olympics will meet again, December 8th day 5 in A300, Mrs. Roehrenbeck’s reading room on the 8th-grade floor during Hornet Block! If you have a love for reading and competition please join our club! See Mr. Wynn in A103 for a permission slip.
  • SISTER ACT, JR: Thank you to the cast of Sister Act Jr. for an excellent rehearsal this past Saturday! Your energy and hard work were appreciated!  Please check your BASD email for updates. If you were not able to attend, please check in with Mrs. Parker…we want to know if you are going to be performing with us in the musical. If you have not received your script, it may be because you haven’t turned in your purple contract.  Please see Mrs. Parker if you have any questions. Our next Sister Act Jr. rehearsals are Monday, December 13th from 3:15-4:15 and Monday, December 20th from 3:15-4:15. See you then!
  • STEP TEAM: Practice is on Tuesday after school until 4:30.