Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for March 31, 2022- Day 1


PEDIATRIC CANCER FOUNDATION: Northeast Middle School is hosting a fundraiser for the Pediatric Cancer Foundation of the Lehigh Valley. This organization has directly helped members of our school community. Please see the attached flyer. 

PROUD SOCIETY: Proud Society members, don’t forget to keep earning those proud pounds because you can still use them to get cool rewards. When you have a total of 12 proud pounds you get a Northeast lanyard, and when you have 17 you receive a NE pin. Come down to the school store on Days 1 or 4 to get your lanyard or pin. At the end of the year the top 100 proud society members with the most proud pounds get to go to the special Proud Society Event. Thanks for making our school Northeast Proud!


  • 8th GRADE STUDENTS: 8th grade students who are members of instrumental groups, vocal groups, Sister Act Jr. cast and crew, dance team, and step team are invited to attend a performance at Freedom High School on Wednesday, April 20th to see the musical Curtains.  Are you an 8th grader who is interested in attending the evening performance?  Please see Mrs. Parker in the chorus room for a permission slip.  The first 46 students who return a signed permission slip may attend. Either see or email Mrs. Parker for any questions you may have. Thanks!
  • AFTER SCHOOL VOCAL GROUPS:  Thursday, March 31st is a rehearsal for any student who is preparing a solo or group song for our upcoming Vocal Ensembles concert in May. Please either email or speak with Mrs. Parker in regards to a time to meet. Friday, April 1st is another rehearsal time for any student who is preparing for the May concert. Again, please reach out to Mrs. Parker to schedule at time.
  • BAND & ORCHESTRA: Attention all musician students, please remember at the end of the day to pick your instrument up from the band room to take home and practice.
  • BASEBALL SKILLS CLUBSunflower seeds, big league chew, and fresh cut grass, sounds like Baseball! If you want to learn the fundamentals of baseball then join the “Baseball Skills  Club”. Let’s have fun learning America’s pastime. Opening day is Monday April 4th  after school! See Mr. Soto in room A202 for a  permission slip.
  • CHORUS: To those students who are interested in auditioning for solos for We Don’t Talk About Bruno and Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story, we will have auditions after school on Thursday, April  7th from 3:15-4:30pm. Please put this date on your calendar if you are interested. Thank you. 
  • HOMEWORK CLUB: If you are in 8th grade and need help with your assignments, join Homework Clubs on Tuesdays and Thursdays! 8th grade meets in Mrs. Papagni’s room in B305. Miss Rinaldi’s 7th grade homework club has ended.
  • WEIGHTLIFTING CLUB will begin on April 4th and meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:15 to 4:15pm. The program will run for 4 weeks. The goal is to instruct students on the different exercises, proper form, and function associated with each muscle group. Please see Mr. Tom if interested.
  • WORLD PERCUSSIONPractice on Thursday after school.