Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of April 17, 2022


Hello Hornet Nation. This is the Sunday Shout Out for April 17th.

I hope everyone is enjoying their Spring Break! Reminder, there is no school tomorrow, April 18th. Students return on Tuesday, April 19th.

If you have not yet received your child’s third quarter report card in the mail, please contact the office or your child’s guidance counselor.

PSSA’s begin next week on Monday April 25th. Please help us promote your child’s best performance on these state assessments by continuing to encourage your child to do their best. These assessments are extremely challenging and everyone’s effort to support our students is appreciated.

On Wednesday, April 20th at 6pm there is a PTO meeting followed by the Band and Orchestra parent meeting at 7pm.

Reminder, in celebration of Earth Day, there will be a Community Clean-Up of the Marvine Pembroke Area on April 23rd from 9am – 12pm. Please see the attached flier for information on registering to volunteer or donate.

The Sports schedule for this week is as follows:

Wed April 20 @ 4pm Softball @ Eyer

Thur April 21 @ 4pm Softball @ Dieruff

Fri April 22 @ 4pm Soccer vs South Mountain @ NE

Softball vs Broughal @ NE

Have a great night.


BASD eNews.