Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for May 20, 2022- Day 3


8th GRADE DANCE: The countdown is on Northeast 8th  graders! Your PTO sponsored farewell dance, A Night for Stars, is today. Just a reminder that formal wear is NOT  required to attend the dance. Doors will open at 6pm. Dinner will be served in the  cafeteria. The photo booth available all evening and dancing begins at 7pm in the  gym. Be sure to be on the lookout for the  Northeast Walk of Fame outside just like Hollywood Blvd. It will be a magical night, filled with memories that will last you a lifetime. Any questions regarding the dance please reach out to Mrs. Bush with any questions  you may have and she will reach out to  Mrs. Blevins from the PTO. See you Friday!

CONGRATULATIONS: Congratulations to our 8th Grade students who competed in the What’s So Cool  About Manufacturing Pennsylvania State  Competition on Wednesday under the direction of Ms. Shook. They came back with 2nd place! We are very Northeast PROUD of all of you! 

JUNIOR POLICE ACADEMYAre you interested in exploring a career in Law Enforcement or learning more about  the Bethlehem Police Department? Then you should attend the Bethlehem Police Junior Police Academy. The Academy is a two week program that takes place right here at Northeast Middle School. Cadets take part in presentations, live demonstrations and fun activities across the county. Cadets will receive daily breakfast and lunch, along with Academy uniforms. The Academy is totally free to  you. The Junior Police Academy runs two weeks from June 13 thru June 24th. 8th grade and 7th grade students are encouraged to apply. Cadet selection will take place May 18th. If you have any questions or need an application please see Officer Elias. 

LIBRARY BOOKS: Students, many of you have borrowed library books from the Northeast Library. Thank you! Now it is time to make sure you have returned those library books! Please check your backpacks, lockers, bedrooms, etc. for any library books and return them to the library. Please put them in the book drop in the library desk. Thank you!

SUMMER FITNESS PROGRAM: The summer program at Planet Fitness for NEMS students will run May 16 through August 30, 2022. The program is free to all students ages 13 and up. Students between the ages of 13-15 will have to have a parent/legal guardian accompany them to registration and sign a waiver. Additionally, the students will have to  present their NEMS ID badge. If a student has any questions, please refer them to Mr. McCormack. Please inform the students of this exciting opportunity.  Many thanks.

TALENT SHOWStudents, Mr. Huie is looking for kids to try out for the talent show! The talent show is on the last day of school and he is looking for kids to sing, dance, rap, show off gymnastics, any kind of talent! If you rap or sing, please do it with the instrumental or karaoke track. Auditions will be Wednesday after school in the chorus room. Looking forward to seeing you out there!


  • ARCHERY: The archery party will be held in Mr. Detwiler’s room on Wednesday May 25th. If you haven’t brought in your $3.00 for Pizza please give it to Mr. Detwiler or  Mrs. Papagni ASAP
  • BAND & ORCHESTRA: Attention all musician students, please remember at the end of the day to pick your instrument up from the band room to take home and practice.


  • SOCCER: Soccer Players, Attentional all Soccer players. There are still a few soccer players who received their Jerseys and NEMS black shorts. You know who you are. Coach Spieker said he knows which homeroom you are in. And will search you out after Monday if you don’t get him his Soccer Gear! Don’t let Coach Spieker go out of his way to get your Jersey and black shorts. This will be a day of reckoning.