Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for May 2, 2022- Day 5


FALL SPORTS PHYSICALS: BASD is offering free sports physicals for students who will be participating in fall sports for next school year. The physicals will be held from 5pm – 8pm on Tuesday, June 7th at Liberty HS in the Auxiliary gym and from 5pm – 8pm Thursday, June 2 at Freedom HS in the Main Gym.

JUNIOR POLICE ACADEMYAre you interested in exploring a career in Law Enforcement or learning more about  the Bethlehem Police Department? Then you should attend the Bethlehem Police Junior Police Academy. The Academy is a two week program that takes place right here at Northeast Middle School. Cadets take part in presentations, live demonstrations and fun activities across the county. Cadets will receive daily breakfast and lunch, along with Academy uniforms. The Academy is totally free to  you. The Junior Police Academy runs two weeks from June 13 thru June 24th. 8th grade and 7th grade students are encouraged to apply. Cadet selection will take place May 18th. If you have any questions or need an application please see Officer Elias. 

LIBRARY BOOKS: Students, many of you have borrowed library books from the Northeast Library. Thank you! Now it is time to make sure you have returned those library books! Please check your backpacks, lockers, bedrooms, etc. for any library books and return them to the library. Please put them in the book drop in the library desk. Thank you!

SUMMER FITNESS PROGRAM: The summer program at Planet Fitness for NEMS students will run May 16 through August 30, 2022. The program is free to all students ages 13 and up. Students between the ages of 13-15 will have to have a parent/legal guardian accompany them to registration and sign a waiver. Additionally, the students will have to  present their NEMS ID badge. If a student has any questions, please refer them to Mr. McCormack. Please inform the students of this exciting opportunity.  Many thanks.

TALENT SHOWThe talent show list is up. Please see my door to check if you made it. Next practice is next Monday. Let Mr Huie know if you have any questions! See everyone soon!


  • MUSIC STUDENTS: Music students – if you have sheet music that you have borrowed to prepare for concerts or have the scripts from Sister Act Jr., could you please return them to Mrs. Parker as soon as possible?  Feel free to bring them to the chorus room at any time. Thanks so much!