Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for September 6, 2022- Day 6



  • VOCAL AUDITIONS: Welcome back to the new school year! Auditions for this year’s after school vocal groups will take place in the chorus room on Wednesday, September 7th, and Thursday, September 8th, from 3:25-4:30pm. This is open to all 6th, 7th, and  8th graders! If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Parker. Can’t wait to work with your talent!

DEBATE CLUB & YANA CLUB & TRUE COLOR CLUBMrs. Anderson is the advisor of 3 after school clubs this fall. Debate Club is back and so is YANA Club. She is also introducing the TRUE COLOR Club which is new this year. To find out more information, go to the Northeast Website and under the Activities Tab, find Activities A-Z. You can read the club descriptions and sign right up on the google form link.