Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for September 19, 2022- Day 2


FAMILY MOVIE NIGHTNortheast PTO will be hosting a Family Movie night this Friday, September 23rd on Northeast’s Softball field. This is a family event, not a drop and go. The Concession stand opens at 7pm. The movie will begin at 7:30pm. Admission is free  and the Concession Stand will be open with a full menu. See you there!!


  • AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIESWant to join an afters chool club or program? You can see a list of all clubs and programs on the Northeast Website under “Activities A-Z!” You can even register for the club or program you want to attend by clicking the registration link right on the page! New clubs and programs are added regularly, so make sure you check the website often!
  • AFTER SCHOOL VOCAL GROUPS: Rehearsals for the After School Vocal Groups for this week are as  follows: Tuesday, September 20th and Wednesday, September 21st from 3:25-4:30pm. We will be preparing for our performance on Thursday evening for Hispanic Heritage Festival, to be hosted at Northeast. We are also looking for students who would like to help with the entire festival. If you volunteer to help from 6-8pm, you will be receiving a PROUD pound! See Mrs. Parker for any questions or details. We will perform at 6:45pm on Thursday evening.
  • CHESS CLUB: Do you like board games and hanging out with your friends? Join the chess club! The first session is on Wednesday, October 5th. To join, email Mr. Angerman or visit room A305 for a signup form.
  • KNITTING CLUBAnyone interested in learning how to knit. Sign up online or stop by room A206. Knitting club begins September 28th.
  • STUDENT COUNCILThere will be a  meeting for all student council members and assistants on Tuesday morning, September 20th, in the chorus room during Hornet Block. Thank you for stepping up to serve both your homeroom and our Northeast Family.