Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for November 4, 2022- Day 5


BREAKFASTDid you know that Breakfast meals are now FREE for this school year?! Stop down and try some of our new menu items – Turkey Sausage Breakfast Stick, Pumpkin Donut Holes with Hot Chocolate, Pancakes and more! 


  • AFTER SCHOOL VOCAL GROUPS:Due to auditions for the musical this week, our NE Singers will be rehearsing on Friday, November 4th from 3:05 until 3:45 pm in preparation for Saturday’s Salute the Troops Concert, hosted at Northeast. Please report to NE at 1:30 on Saturday, in white tops and black bottoms, ready to sing! Please remember your ticket order request this week. Tickets are sold to our NE families for $5 each. If your family chooses to purchase tickets on Saturday the cost will be $10. Get those ticket orders in ASAP!
  • ARCHERY: The advanced tournament will be Friday, November 4th. Please make sure you bring your archery equipment for the tournament. If your parent or guardian would like to attend, please tell them to come through the main entrance at 3:30pm. They should bring a chair to sit on since there are no bleachers in the auxiliary gym. They may also want to bring binoculars. The end of archery party for both beginners and advanced archers will be on Friday, November 11th. If you would like pizza, please bring in $3 and give it to either Mrs. Papagni or Mr. Detwiler. Good luck to all of the archers!