Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for November 18, 2022- Day 2


FAMILY CONSUMER SCIENCEIf you were not able to finish your Family Consumer Science sewing project and would like to do so, please come after school on Tuesday, November 22 to work on it.


  • MUSICAL: Saturday, November 19, 2022 – Rehearsal for the entire cast of Schoolhouse Rock Live Jr. from 9-11AM…please wear clothing and sneakers you can dance in!


  • BOYS BASKETBALL: Basketball Tryouts today, 11/18. You must have your up to date physical to try out.
  • INTRAMURAL WRESTLING: The Intramural Wrestling event against the other middle schools will be held at Liberty High School Saturday Morning November 19th. Mr. Katynski and Mr. Flok will be running the program. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Spieker, Mr. Katynski, or Mr. Flok.