Home / News / Sunday Shout Out ~ March 16th


Hello Hornet Nation.

Parents please discuss with your child grooming tools that could be considered unsafe.  They are not to be brought to school.  Please make sure you discuss this with them and that they have a clear understanding.

The third marking period closes in two weeks. You can check your child’s progress at any time through ParentVue.  If you need assistance, please contact us.

Northeast Needs Your Vote!  A team of students from Northeast Middle School produced a video about Sumitomo Cryogenics as part of the What’s So Cool About Manufacturing? video contest to educate families in the Lehigh Valley and beyond about career paths available in the field of manufacturing. Voting begins at 12:01 AM on Monday, March 17th and ends at 11:59 PM on Wednesday, March 19th.  To vote, please use this link https://www.whatssocool.org/contests/lehigh-valley/.  The video that receives the most votes wins the contest’s Viewers Choice Award!  There is no limit to how many times you can vote, so feel free to refresh the page and vote as many times as you wish. Please help us get the word out about voting by passing along this information to other people on your contact lists.

Parents, please stay up to date by joining the PTO Facebook group using this link https://www.facebook.com/share/g/1E9aroyTrS/.

NORTHEAST YEARBOOK orders can be placed online at www.yearbookordercenter.com.  Enter your School’s order number 13519, complete the order form, and submit.

The schedule for this week is as follows:

March 19 @ 7PM           Northeast Band & Orchestra Parent Meeting

March 21 @ 6:30PM     NEMS Jazz Ensemble @ Nitschmann Fest