Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for November 3, 2016


MUSIC IN THE PARKS TRIP: Northeast Singers students who are not instrumentalists are to pick up their fundraising information from Mrs. Parker ASAP.  This fundraising will help towards this year’s Music in the Parks competition.

SALUTE THE TROOPS CONCERT: All NE Singers, Boys Group, Girls Group, and instrumental students performing in the Salute the Troops Concert on November 13th are reminded to pick up a ticket order form ASAP.  The ticket order form, paid with cash only, please, is due on November 3rd. Our reduced price is $5 per ticket.  If you purchase these tickets at the door the day of the concert, they will be $10.  Don’t forget to get your order form submitted!  See either Mr. Rupnik or Mrs. Parker with any questions.  

AFTER SCHOOL VOCAL GROUPS: Thursday, November 3rd – Boys Group/Girls Group from 3:10-4:00 – we will be running our music for the Salute the Troops Concert

*Saturday, November 5th – report time for NE Singers and Jazz Ensemble to be announced for the Liberty High School Hawaii Benefit Concert at 7 PM on Saturday, November 5th.

NEMS THEATRE COMPANY: Friday, November 4th – rehearsal of the song “Rock Island” from Music Man Jr. Students who are in that song are to rehearse from 3:10-3:45 in the chorus room.  There will also be a rehearsal this Friday, November 4th for Marian Paroo, Mrs. Paroo, Winthrop, and Amaryllis from 3:10-4 PM. Please meet in the chorus room. Please bring your scripts!  See Mrs. Parker with any questions.

BENEFIT CONCERT FOR LHS BAND & CHORUS: Join us for an evening of great music! On Saturday, November 5th at 7 PM, Northeast will be hosting a benefit concert for the Liberty High School Grenadier Band and Chorus.  Come and see great musicians from both the middle schools and high school perform a variety of music and dance. Admission is $5.  Snacks, raffles, and more will be available to purchase….support our excellent musicians!  See you on Saturday at 7 PM!

MATH NERDSMath Nerds is moving back to Fridays.  If you want to join math nerds please come this Friday at 3:05pm in room A305.  We will no longer meet on Wednesdays because of all of the scheduling conflicts with other clubs and events. Having Math Nerds on a Friday has been a Northeast tradition and it’s back by popular demand.  You do not have to like math to join, you just need to be willing to try something new.  We guarantee you will be hooked after your first meeting. Permission slips will be given out on Friday. So be a nerd and join us in room A305 on Fridays.

NEWSPAPER CLUBAll submissions for the first issue of the newspaper MUST be submitted to Ms. Troutman in person or via email by this Friday November 4th. See Ms. Troutman with any questions.”

SPORTSCross Country runners who have yet to hand in uniform should return it to Miss Ayre’s room A203 asap.

* Any field hockey or volleyball player that has not returned their uniform please bring it to Ms. Shive’s, A305 as soon as possible.

BOYS BASKETBALL: There will be an open gym for the 8th grade boys basketball ONLY this Friday, 11/4 from 3:15 to 4:30pm.  This is for 8th grade only.  A 7th grade open gym will be announced the following week.  See Coach Carlstrom in room D106 if you have any questions.

WRESTLING: Attention 7th and 8th Grade Wrestlers and those considering coming out for the 7th and 8th grade Freshman Wrestling Team, you will need a physical to participate. Free physicals will be held on Thursday night, Nov. 3rd at Liberty HS from 5-7:30pm. If you participated in a fall sport, you will need a recertification form filled out by your parents. Mark your calendar and tell your parents. Wrestling practices start Friday Nov. 18th at Liberty HS. Physical forms are available in the main office or student services.

SCHOOL SPIRIT WEEK: With the night football game rapidly approaching, it only means one thing, “Spirit Week!”  The following are the special days:

-Thursday – Green and White Day to support our team, cheerleaders, band, auxiliary marching unit and fans! Don’t be left out, get involved!

Good luck to our NEMS Hornets as they perform at the football game on Thursday!  Get out and support our team and performers!

*Free physicals for winter sports will be given at Liberty High School today, November 3rd from 5 – 7:30 PM.  Get a physical packet from a basketball coach or the main office before you go.  You may not try out without a physical.

STUDENT LEADERSHIP COUNCILBox-Tops are still being collected and Student Leadership will be having a raffle starting today through Christmas. To be able to enter the drawing, you need to bring in a complete sheet or bag of 50 Box-Tops. Don’t forget to put your name on the bag or sheet. Remember, the Box-Tops shouldn’t be stapled or taped on the back of the sheet. Also, hand in bonus Box-Tops in a separate bag. Thank you from Student Leadership.

WORLD LANGUAGE CLUBThe next meeting of the world language club will be Thursday Nov 10 AND Friday Nov 11th in the Auditorium at 3:05-4:25pm. See Mrs. Johnson, Miss Thomas, or Miss Danner with questions!  

ElectionYesterday we saw some positive ads from both sides of the election, but that is just half of the propaganda out there. We are about to view slanderous ads from both political parties. Slander is a form of negative propaganda used to make your opponent look bad. You should always remember to do your research and make sure all the information is correct so you are voting based on the facts and aren’t being swayed to vote by slanderous ads.