Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for December 21, 2016


STUDENT LEADERSHIPStudent Leadership is having a lollipop fundraiser at all lunches. Each lollipop will be $1, buy one today, before they’re gone!


*Wednesday, December 21st – NE Singers – all from 3:10-3:30

*Thursday, December 22nd – NE Singers and Wind Ensemble will be Caroling in the Lehigh Valley during the school day.  Be sure to have your permission slip turned in for this event. Thank you for your time and talent…if you have any questions, please see Mrs. Parker ASAP.  Thank you.

*A special to all who participated in last night’s NE Musical Hornets performance at Barnes and Noble…your time and talents make us NORTHEAST PROUD!  Thank you to the families and staff that shared their holiday joy with us!

NEMS THEATRE COMPANY: Cast of Music Man Jr. are to pick up a copy of the schedule for January rehearsals.  We are looking at the goal of all leads being off book in the New Year. Thank you, in advance, for your dedication to the musical!

NEMS THEATRE COMPANY: Rehearsals: The Music Man Jr. rehearsal schedule for the first week of January is:

Tuesday, January 3rd – all of scene 5 – all cast members, from 3:10-5:30

Wednesday, January 4th – All cast – singing rehearsal from 3:10-5:00

Saturday, January 7th – 9-10 AM:  the 10 Shipoopi couples, from 10 AM – noon for all cast members. BE SURE TO BRING YOUR SCRIPTS, PENCILS, AND ENERGY!

BOXTOPS: Box-tops are still being collected. Our raffle is still going on. We are pulling the raffle December 22. That means there is only one week left. Please continue collecting box-tops because we will be having another drawing in January or February. Do not forget to write your name on the bag or sheet of 50 you send in to get a raffle ticket in the drawing.

CHESS CLUBAttention all Chess Club Members! The Second Session of Chess Club will be starting up again on January 11th. They will be for FIVE Wednesday again. Same time and same place in Mr. Spieker’s room in room A108. If you are interested in Joining, and didn’t join in the fall, feel free to grab a permission form outside of room A108 on the 7th Grade Floor. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Spieker.

THOUGHT OF THE DAYThe only real handicap is fear. BE unafraid. . . . . Go right up and look your fear in the face and then DO something. These are the words of Margaret Bourke-White, prize- winning photographer and journalist who was named one of the top ten American women in 1936. She photographed and was influenced by real-life heroes Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. Remember Franklin Roosevelt’s famous words?  The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Experiencing fear can be a warning signal that we are in danger, and we certainly don’t’ want to ignore it! But there are times when we are afraid and it is because we are feeling challenged or insecure. 

So don’t be handicapped by the fear that you are not good enough or smart enough. Remember Margaret Bourke-White and look those kinds of fear in the face. Then go ahead! You can do it!