Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out


Week of August 27, 2016: Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. This is the start of weekly “Northeast Sunday Shout Outs”. Every Sunday afternoon when school is in session you will be receiving these messages as we attempt to keep our families and friends better informed of our school happenings and events. In addition we encourage you to stay informed of what is happening here at Northeast by looking online as we post our daily announcements on our website. These are just two of the ways we hope we can keep us working together to provide our children with the best education possible during their middle school career.

So for our first “Shout Out” of the 2017-2018 school year we have some important information to share with you about the start of school: Our first day of school is tomorrow, Monday, August 28th. For our first day we will have a staggered start for our students. Our 6th grade students will start school at 8:05AM, while our 7th and 8th grade students will have a delayed opening to school and will begin school at 11:05AM. This schedule will allow our staff to provide a 3 hour “orientation” to our youngest students prior to bringing in our “veteran” children. After our first day, students should enter the building at 8:05AM and must be in their homerooms by 8:13AM.  Morning breakfast will not be served the first day and will begin officially on Tuesday, August 29th. Students wishing to eat breakfast at school may enter the school using the cafeteria doors located by the 7th grade entrance. Doors for breakfast open at 7:40 a.m. each day.

With the beginning of the school year please be sure to pay attention to the significant amount of information we send home with your children during the first days of school.   We attempt to do our best not to duplicate what we ask parents to complete, and we thank you in advance for your dutifulness with completing all the information that is requested of you. As we start our school year, parents please stay informed with how your child is doing by making it a habit to view your child’s grades on-line using our parent access center for Schoology and E-School.   If you are unsure of how that works or need to obtain your login information, please call our main office and ask for Mrs. Rincon.   She will guide you through the process.

As always should you ever need assistance please call our school office at 610-868-8581, and we will do everything we can to assist you. Have a great remainder to your weekend!