Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for September 13, 2017


DROP OFF TABLEStudent Services has a drop off table.  If you are expecting something dropped off, please come to the Student Services drop off table for pick up.  Ms. Osorio will write you a hall pass or sign your pass.  If you are expecting money, please see Ms. Osorio. Money will not be left on the table.   

BOXTOPSWant to help our school raise money? Please bring in boxtops for education. Boxtops can be found on so many items! Simply cut them off and bring them to your homeroom teacher. Homeroom teachers can then send them to Mrs. Swavely or Mrs. Braido and student council will take care of the rest.

SAFE TO TELLIt’s SAFE to Tell.” The SAFE Team exists to help students with problems in a confidential manner to help remove any and all barriers to education.  You can refer your friends or yourself.  Just fill out the SAFE to Tell form which you can find in your homeroom, Student Services, the Library and the Main Office and drop the form in the SAFE Box or give it to your homeroom teacher who will deposit the form for you.  Don’t worry, “It’s Safe To Tell.

NEPTO FUNDRAISERMartellucci’s Pizzeria loves Northeast! They are giving us 3 Full Days of 15% of all sales to Northeast School. Where: Martelluci’s Pizzeria, 1419 Easton Ave, Bethlehem, 18018. When

11 AM to 9 PM, Wed., Sept 13 – Gr 7

11 AM to 9 PM, Thurs., Sept 14 – Gr 8

Northeast Middle School will receive 15% of ALL SALES all day, so tell all your family and friends!  Each day features a different grade, but you can go any of the days. Includes eat in and carryout. Sponsored by NEPTO! *Note: Flyer not needed

DISMISSALStudents please note that you are not permitted to remain in the building after dismissal unless you are involved in an activity. If you are waiting for a friend, please wait outside of the building.     

CHORUSAuditions for the after school vocal groups will take place on today, Wednesday, September 13th from 3:10 until 4:30pm.  Please report to the chorus room after school.  These auditions are open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students who would like to sing above and beyond the grade level choruses.  Remember, you must have signed up for chorus in homeroom if you wish to audition.

If you have any questions about Boys Group, Girls Group, and Northeast Singers, please see Mrs. Parker.  All returning after school vocal group students must re-audition during the 11th, 12th, and 13th.  Looking forward to hearing you sing!

SPORTSCongratulations to the girls volleyball team who got a taste of victory yesterday.  Our Lady Hornets defeated Harrison Morton in all 4 games!  Way to go ladies!

CHESS & BOARD GAME PLAYERSAttention all Chess and Board Game Players! Students 6th Grade through 8th Grade are welcome to engage in novice chess playing to competitive mini tournaments with specialty chess boards and small life-size pieces as well as fun filled and challenging Board games that run from RISK to Monopoly!  Learn rules and mathematical coordination that builds on math concepts and sportsmanships. Chess Club Starts on Wednesdays Sept. 20th and Strategic Game Board Club starts in October 25th on Wednesdays! If you have any questions see Mr. Spieker room A108 and/or Miss Vanderstel room A101 on the 7th Grade Floor! Please stop by to pick up forms and permission slips!

SUPERHERO RESEARCH CLUBAttention all those Superheros out there! Superhero Research Club is back this year with high demand! Superhero research is only open to 7th and 8thgraders. Again, open only to 7th and 8th graders. The Club will be held on every Thursday for one hour after school. The first day will begin on Thursday September 28th! All permission forms are outside room A108. There are only 25 limited spots. First come first serve in Superhero Research Club. Please have your permission slip completed and brought back to Mr. Spieker in room A108 before Wednesday September 27th. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Spieker in room A108.