Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for October 26, 2016


KNITTING CLUB: Students, are you prepared for the cooler temperatures? Are you in need of a knitted scarf?  Well, if you are and would like to learn to knit your own to wear or donate to someone in need, then come to Miss Ayre’s Knitting Club.  It’s open to all grade levels and no prior experience needed.  Stop by room A208 to pick up a permission form.


-Thurs, Oct 26th – All after school vocal groups – Boys from 3:10-3:45pm.  This Thursday rehearsal is a change from the original schedule…please make the change.

DRAMA: Are you ready to audition for this year’s musical?  Hey, nonni nonni is it YOU? There will be a meeting from 3:10-4:30 after school tomorrow, October 27th in the auditorium.  We will be seeing highlights from the musical “Once Upon a Mattress” as well as learn the audition song and dance.  The materials will be available for you to practice starting Tuesday, October 24th.  Please see Mrs. Parker for the materials. Auditions for the musical will be on Monday, October 30th, Tuesday, October 31st, and November 1st from 3:10-5:30.  You must be able to attend either the Tuesday or Wednesday date. Details to come…can’t wait to get started! See Mrs. Parker with any questions or concerns.

SPORTSAttention 7th and 8th Grade Boys interested in trying out for the Boys Intramural Volleyball Team… Football players will try out tomorrow (October 27th). Please make sure you have the Intramural permission form filled out to try out… no form, no trying out. If you need a permission form see Ms. Schaffrick or you can get one in the Main Office. I only have 12 uniforms, so make sure to try your best!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!

*Ready to play basketball ladies?! Open gym will be every Wednesday until tryouts start. Please stop by Coach Schaffrick’s office to pick up the intramural form. It is the only way you can participate.  No exceptions!!!

*There will be an open practice for cheerleaders on Wednesday, November 1st at 3:30pm in the hallway by the cafeteria. Any girls interested in possibly cheering for basketball or competition season can attend and we will discuss further information then. Come dressed to cheer and actually practice with us.

*Don’t forget: Winter sports physicals will be held here at NE ,today, 10/26 from 5 to 7. Pick up physical forms in the office.

PICTURE RETAKE DAYPicture retakes are scheduled for Wednesday, Nov 1, 2017. Retakes will be for students and staff members that were absent on picture day or for those that are not happy with their picture package. If you are retaking your picture to replace your original picture package, please make sure to bring with you on Wednesday, Nov 1st the original picture package you would like replaced. 

TEAM ACTIVEOn Friday afternoon TEAM ACTIVE was cleaning up the trash on our school grounds. They found a painted rock with the word “inspire” on it. The rock also said “Bethlehem PA Rocks” with the Facebook logo. Team Active discovered this is part of a random acts of kindness project and this week, they will be painting rocks, writing positive messages on them and placing them around our school campus and in our student’s neighborhoods. If you find one of our messages, keep the rock or place it elsewhere for someone else to find.  One positive word can change a person for good. Keep this Random Act of Kindness idea going.  

PINK OUTStudent Leadership Council will be hosting a “Pink out” this Friday to wrap up spirit week.  All homerooms are encouraged to wear an article of pink clothing in honor of Breast Cancer awareness.  Homerooms with “total pink out” will have their names entered into a drawing for a prize!

STEP TEAM: Step team practice will be today, October 26, from 3:15 to 5:20 PM be there wearing your boots or sneakers. 

DEBATE CLUBAttention all debaters! The next debate club meeting will take place October 31, after school, in room A105. Any questions, please see Mr. Gross or Miss Cedor.