Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for November 6, 2017


DEBATE CLUBThe next Debate club meeting will be Wednesday, November 8th, after school in room A105. All members should attend. Please see Mr. Gross or Miss Cedor with any questions.

KNITTING CLUB: Students, are you prepared for the cooler temperatures?  Are you in need of a knitted scarf?  Well, if you are and would like to learn to knit your own to wear or donate to someone in need, then come to Miss Ayre’s Knitting Club.  It’s open to all grade levels and no prior experience needed.  Stop by room A208 to pick up a permission form.

BOOK FAIR: Book fair runs from November 13th through the 21st. Can’t wait to see you there!


-Today, November 6th – read through of the musical with the cast.  This rehearsal will be held in the chorus room from 3:10-5:30.

-Tuesday, November 7th – no rehearsal – enjoy your day off!

-Wednesday, November 8th – no rehearsal

-Thursday, November 9th and Friday, November 10th – rehearsal for the Salute the Troops Concert.  The rehearsals are from 3:10-4:00pm.  

-Sunday, November 12th – Salute the Troops Concert at Northeast Middle School with the Allentown Band and Lehigh Valley Men’s Chorale.  Report time for the after school vocal groups is 1:15pm on Sunday, November 12th.  See Mrs. Parker for details.

SALUTE THE TROOPS CONCERT: The ticket orders for the Salute the Troops concert have been extended to Wednesday, November 8TH. Remember:  tickets are at the reduced rate of $5.  If you purchase tickets the day of the concert, the cost is $10.  See Mrs. Parker or Mr. Rupnik with any questions.

SPORTSDue to scheduling conflicts with both the main gym and the auxiliary gym, there will be no basketball open gyms for either the 7th or 8th grade boys until further notice.  See coach Carlstrom if you have any questions.

*Ready to play basketball ladies?!  Open gym will be every Wednesday until tryouts start. Please stop by Coach Schaffrick’s office to pick up the intramural form. It is the only way you can participate.  No exceptions!!!

TEAM ACTIVETeam active has completed their painting inspirational words on rocks activity. This random act of kindness project will lead you to find one of these stones somewhere on the school grounds or in a neighborhood near you. If you find 1 of our stones, let us know! Thanks so much! From Team Active 

ROBOTICS CLUBAre you interested in robotics?  Consider joining Northeast’s robotics club. Robotics club will meet on Wednesdays from 3:05 to 5:00pm starting on November 8th.  You must get a signed permission slip handed before November 8th.  Permission slips are available in room A 307 which is Mr. Gavronski’s room on the 8th grade floor.  Space is limited in robotics club so please get your permission slip handed in quickly to be considered.  If you have any questions, please ask Mrs. Papagni or Mr. Gavronski.

SKY ZONE GLOW JUMPToday, November 6th our parent organization will be sponsoring a glow jump at Sky Zone Westgate Mall from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. for Northeast students only.  The cost for this event will be $16, which includes jumping for 2 hours and unlimited beverages. You must wear a white shirt or purchase a glow shirt from Sky Zone for $5.  Your parents must complete a waiver online or at SkyZone or you cannot jump. Tickets will be on sale at lunch from October 31st through November 4th.  This is a school event so only Northeast students will be able to attend. NEPTO only has 200 tickets so first come, first serve. 

NEPTO FUNDRAISERAre you ready for Great food, sports and fun? Stop by Big Woody’s and benefit Northeast! Where: Big Woody’s, 625 Easton Ave. When: 5 to 10 PM, Thursday, Nov. 9. Includes dine in, carry-out and delivery.  Flyer is needed. Northeast Middle School will receive 15% of ALL SALES from 5-10 so tell all your family and friends! Sponsored by NEPTO. Enjoy a night out, off from cooking, while supporting us!

SCHAFFRICK’S PE CLASSESMs. Schaffrick’s PE (gym) classes ONLY please REPORT TO THE LIBRARY.  7th grade Health classes will be in the health room as usual.