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Week of December 17, 2017: Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for the last school week of 2017. This Tuesday afternoon our mid-quarter progress reports will be accessible on-line in our schools’ Home Access Center.   Also in our Home Access we have the links to all of our student management systems where, as a parent, you can view your child’s progress in all of the major academic areas on a daily basis. Should you have questions or need assistance in accessing these resources please reach out to your child’s team leader, guidance counselor or contact Mrs. Osorio in our Student Services office. If you do not have computer access and wish to have a paper copy of your child’s academic process, please call Mrs. Osorio at 610-868-8581, ext. 42903. We will not hesitate to send a progress report home with your child.

NEPTO is sponsoring a “Cookie Grab” to celebrate the holidays for our teachers on the 21st. Our Northeast Parent Teacher Organization is looking for parents who are willing to bake cookies for this NEPTO cookie exchange. Parents interested in baking cookies for our teachers can bring the cookies in by Wednesday, the 20th to the main office. Our NEPTO officers and teachers thank you in advance for your generosity.

Nothing truly brings about the holiday cheer better than when our Northeast Singers and Jazz Ensemble go out into the community to entertain. On Tuesday evening these talented students will delight shoppers at the Barnes and Noble off Route 33 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. On Friday our Northeast Singers go to various locations in and around our school caroling in the holiday season. What a perfect way to end our school week.

In sports this week our girls and boys basketball teams have games with our girls playing away Monday at South Mountain, at home on Wednesday against Northampton and away Thursday at Whitehall. The boys schedule is just the opposite playing home against South Mountain on Monday, away at Northampton on Wednesday and home on Thursday against Whitehall.

Best wishes for everyone as we go into this glorious holiday season.   Have a great remainder to your Sunday.