Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for December 20, 2017



*Wednesday, December 20th – Rehearsal from 3:10-4:00

*NO REHEARSAL on Thursday, December 21st.

*Friday, December 22nd – we will be Caroling in the Lehigh Valley, which takes place during the school day. Please see Mrs. Parker with any questions.  Thank you for your time and talent!

MUSIC ENSEMBLES: Congratulations and thanks to our student performers at last night’s Barnes and Noble Night…thank you for spreading holiday cheer to our community!  Parents, we thank you for your support of our school.  Thanks to those who came out to see our students! Evenings like last night certainly make us Northeast PROUD!  Thank you for your time and talent!

STUDENT LEADERSHIP FUNDRAISERStudent leadership is selling lollipops $1.00 each at 6th 7th and 8th grade lunches. Have a great day buy one before they run out.

GIRL SCOUTSThe girl scouts will be meeting every Friday from 3:10-4:05pm until April 6th.

STEP TEAMPractice will be on Wednesday, December 20th from 3:15-5:20 PM.  Step team practices will be changing to Fridays from 3:15-5:20 PM in the New Year. 

RALLY FOR PEACERally For Peace will be meeting every Wednesday and  Thursday in A300 from 3:10-4:10! Please try to be there! We need to get our products done! Thanks!

DONATIONSNortheast…. it’s not too late! Get your donations in for the New Bethany Ministries in South Side. The items needed are printed on the ornaments on the Christmas tree in the lobby. Take an ornament and bring back an item to donate. All donations are due this Friday! Thanks for your kindness and support! 

CHESS CLUBWe will be starting up the 2nd Session of CHESS Club right after the Holiday Break. It will start on that Wednesday January 3rd after school. Current members can just show up. New members need to get a permission form outside Mr. Spieker’s room in the hallway at room A108. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Spieker.

THOUGHT OF THE DAY: During the holidays, most of us expect to receive lots of gifts from friends and family. We will spend our heard-earned money… or allowances… buying gifts for others. But many of us, because of financial difficulties, aren’t expecting gifts and have no money to shop for others. 

So during this special time of year, it’s important for those of us who have to share with those who have not. Let’s remember the words of Saint Francis of Assissi:  Blessed is the man who helps his neighbor in trouble, just as he would wish to be helped in like circumstances.

Sounds like that Golden Rule again, doesn’t it? You may say, “But I’m just a kid. I don’t have any money to give.” Well, you have something to give – a pair of gloves, a hat, or a scarf, even a pair of jeans you’ve outgrown or a game you’ve grown tired of. These things can be donated to organizations which help the needy. During this holiday season, let’s all remember: It is more blessed to give than to receive.