Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for December 21, 2017



*NO REHEARSAL on Thursday, December 21st.

*Friday, December 22nd – we will be Caroling in the Lehigh Valley, which takes place during the school day. Please see Mrs. Parker with any questions.  Thank you for your time and talent!

STUDENT LEADERSHIP FUNDRAISERStudent leadership is selling lollipops $1.00 each at 6th 7th and 8th grade lunches. Have a great day buy one before they run out.

GIRL SCOUTSThe girl scouts will be meeting every Friday from 3:10-4:05pm until April 6th.

STEP TEAMPractices have been changed to Fridays from 3:15-5:20pm. Our next practice will be on January 5th.

RALLY FOR PEACERally For Peace will be meeting every Wednesday and  Thursday in A300 from 3:10-4:10! Please try to be there! We need to get our products done! Thanks!

DONATIONSNortheast…. it’s not too late! Get your donations in for the New Bethany Ministries in South Side. The items needed are printed on the ornaments on the Christmas tree in the lobby. Take an ornament and bring back an item to donate. All donations are due this Friday! Thanks for your kindness and support! 

CHESS CLUBWe will be starting up the 2nd Session of CHESS Club right after the Holiday Break. It will start on that Wednesday January 3rd after school. Current members can just show up. New members need to get a permission form outside Mr. Spieker’s room in the hallway at room A108. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Spieker.

SPORTSCongratulations to both the boy’s basketball teams on nice wins against Northampton after having to endure a one hour bus ride to the game!  Big game today here at home against Whitehall.  Come out and support the Hornets!

*The girl’s basketball team might have lost both games but we are learning and growing as a team!! Let’s focus on working hard and working as one and digging deep for a sisterhood of hustle and heart!!!

*Any student who played football this year please stop by Mr. Korcienski’s room to pick up your Proud Pound.