Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for January 3, 2018


8th GRADE: As the weather turns colder and you are invited in the building before the 8:05am bell please keep the following in mind:

  • You may not go anywhere else in the building without a pass,
  • Please stand on the green tile only,
  • Move toward the front of the group to make room for all of the students- Mr. Beck will let you know where to stop.

DRAMA & AFTER SCHOOL VOCAL GROUPS: The rehearsal schedule for Once Upon a Mattress is as follows:

  • Thursday, January 4th will be scene 8 (pages 34-36) from 3:10-4:15.  This scene features Lady Larkin and Sir Harry.  We will meet in the chorus room.
  • On Saturday, January 6th, scene 2 (pages 8-10) will be blocked from 9-10 AM.  This scene features Dauntless, Queen, Harry, Minstrel, and Jester.  The entire cast will then rehearse from 10:00 until noon.  We will be blocking and teaching the song “Shy”, so, please review the song, cast members!  Please be dressed to dance!  Donuts anyone?
  • After school vocal group members:  We will meet again as a group on Wednesday, January 17th.  This rehearsal is for all Boys Group, Girls Group, and NE Singers.  It will last from 3:10 until 4:00.  Please see Mrs. Parker with any questions or concerns.

DEBATE CLUB: First winter meeting will be on Tuesday Jan. 9th, after school, in room A105. Any returning members do not need to pick up a new form. If you are new please see Mr. Gross in A105 or Ms. Anderson in A204 to get a form. Hope to see you there!

GIRL SCOUTS: The girl scouts will be meeting every Friday from 3:10-4:05pm until April 6th.

STEP TEAM: Practice will be on January 5th from 3:15 to 5:20pm.

RALLY FOR PEACE: There are mandatory after-school meetings for all Rally 4 Peace participants this week. Wednesday and Friday in the auditorium and Thursday in room A300.

WEEK OF PEACE: January 16th-19th we will be celebrating the week of peace!

  • Tuesday (1/16)-  Pajama Day! Warm up to a new friend, get to know someone different today!  Say hey, what’s up, hello to someone new!
  • Wednesday (1/17)-  Put a cap on conflict! Wear your favorite hat to school and pledge to be completely conflict free!
  • Thursday(1/18)-  Actions speak louder than words!  Wear something school appropriate that represents your favorite action hero – someone who takes action for what’s right.
  • Friday(1/19)-  Respect for one another!  Wear your team t-shirt or team color to represent working together for peace!  We can always count on each other. This is also our Rally For Peace assembly day!

Hope to see everyone supporting peace!

CHESS CLUB: Today starts the first day of the 2nd session of Chess Club for this year. It will run to our normal time of 5:15pm after school today in Mr. Spieker’s room. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Spieker in room A108.

KNITTING CLUB: Session 2 of Knitting Club will be starting on January 16th from 3:05-4:05pm.  All are welcome to join and no prior experience is needed.  Stop by Miss Ayre’s room A208 to pick up a permission form.