Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for January 10, 2018


8th GRADE: As the weather turns colder and you are invited in the building before the 8:05am bell please keep the following in mind:

  • you may not go anywhere else in the building without a pass,
  • please stand on the green tile only,
  • move toward the front of the group to make room for all of the students- Mr. Beck will let you know where to stop, and finally,
  • voices carry so please don’t yell.

AFTER SCHOOL VOCAL GROUPS:  We will meet again as a group on Wednesday, January 17th.  Please see Mrs. Parker with any questions or concerns.

GIRL SCOUTS: The girl scouts will be meeting every Friday from 3:10-4:05pm until April 6th.

STEP TEAM: Please remember that there is practice Friday, January 12th from 3:15-5:20.  All practices are mandatory up to the stomp show.  If you miss one you will not perform.  Chocolate money is due please turn it in asap.

KNITTING CLUB: Session 2 of Knitting Club will be starting on January 16th from 3:05-4:05pm.  All are welcome to join and no prior experience is needed.  Stop by Miss Ayre’s room A208 to pick up a permission form.

RALLY FOR PEACE: Rally 4 Peace has mandatory meetings Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday after school until 4PM. All Rally 4 Peace participates are to report to the auditorium 2nd period this entire week! We need to practice!

Rally 4 Peace is taking our show on the road! Everyone is invited to the Ice House in Bethlehem on Monday, January 15th at 7 PM.  An adult must be present to attend! The show is free. Come see all the amazing original work that our Northeast students have been working on. We are so proud of them!

WEEK OF PEACE: January 16th-19th

  • Tuesday (1/16)-  Pajama Day! Warm up to a new friend, get to know someone different today!  Say hey, what’s up, hello to someone new!
  • Wednesday (1/17)-  Put a cap on conflict! Wear your favorite hat to school and pledge to be completely conflict free!
  • Thursday(1/18)-  Actions speak louder than words!  Wear something school appropriate that represents your favorite action hero – someone who takes action for what’s right.
  • Friday(1/19)-  Respect for one another!  Wear your team t-shirt or team color to represent working together for peace!  We can always count on each other. This is also our Rally For Peace assembly day!

Hope to see everyone supporting peace!

CHESS CLUB: Just a reminder, today is the second day for Chess Club. If you are still interested in joining Chess Club, please grab a permission form outside Mr. Spieker’s room on the 7th Grade floor outside of Room A108. Please bring your $2 for the pizza party.