Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of October 7, 2018


Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for this week where we in Bethlehem celebrate American Education. The national vision for the week continues to be “Great Public Schools: A Basic Right and Our Responsibility.” We sent home flyers with our school’s visitation schedule earlier this past week. A copy of the schedule can also be found on our Northeast website. We advise that you check with your child in case there are any tests or special programs and trips scheduled for when you plan to visit. We do ask that you not plan to visit over our lunch periods, because we are not able to fit parents and students together in our cafeteria. Also just a reminder that all Bethlehem Area School District schools and offices are closed tomorrow, October 8th, in observance of Columbus Day. All teachers and office staff will be involved in professional development during this day.

Please note that this past Friday an electronic copy of the Mid-Quarter Progress report was uploaded into the Home Access Center for all parents. There will not be a “paper” copy of the mid-quarter reports sent home unless you as a parent request such through your child’s guidance counselor. Should you have problems accessing your child’s grades through our home access, please call the main office at 610-868-8581 and ask for Mrs. Rodriquez. Should you have any concerns about your child’s progress and grades, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your child’s guidance counselor or Team Leader.

This past week we sent home “Box Tops” collection sheets with all students. This is a fundraiser that benefits our Student Leadership Council and does not cost anything but the time it takes to cut out participating Box Tops from their cartons. Please send in all Box Tops to school by Friday, October 19th. Student Council set forth a goal of raising 1,000 dollars, and everyone’s help in reaching that goal is greatly appreciated.

This week we are heading into the final few weeks of “Fall” sports with our student athletes. Our Field Hockey team has plenty of games this week playing three times. We are proud of our girls, and we have really enjoyed watching them improve with their play. This week they face Raub away on Tuesday, South Mountain at home on Wednesday and Orefield at home on Thursday. Volleyball plays twice this week with Orefield at home on Tuesday and away against Easton on Thursday. Our Football team plays a tough Dieruff squad at home on Saturday at 9:00 a.m.

Have a great remainder to your weekend!