Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for October 11, 2018


ATHLETES: Attention 7th and 8th grade athletes. If you are interested in attending Liberty’s football game Friday night, please see Mr. Korcienski in room A-107 after school today, or tomorrow morning by the 6th grade entrance below the flag pole.

WINTER SPORTS PHYSICALS: Attention 7th and 8th grade students interested in playing a winter sport. The BASD along with St.Lukes will be hosting FREE physicals on 10/30/18 from 5-7 pm at Northeast Middle School’s Main gym and then again on 11/1/18 from 5-7 at Freedom’s Main gym.  Please stop by the main office or student services to pick up a PIAA physical form.  Those students who played a fall sport just need to pick up a re-eval form.  All forms must be turned into our athletic trainer prior to tryouts.  Any questions see Mr. Korcienski in room A-107.

BOY SCOUTS: If you are interested in joining Boy Scouts, please see your guidance counselor for a permission form.  Boy Scout meetings are held once a week here at Northeast on Tuesdays from 3:05PM – 5PM.  The first meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 30th . Boy Scouts has a lot to offer, so come be part of the fun!

TECHGYRLS: After school today is our first TechGYRL’s experiment! Make sure to turn in your permission slip to Ms. Tennis in Student Services or your guidance counselor before lunchtime, and then we’ll meet in Room A107 at 3:10! See you after school!

LION KING, JR.:The next Lion King Jr. rehearsal is coming up! If you’re interested in learning more about Northeast’s musical production, we will have a rehearsal on Thursday, October 18th from 6-7:30 PM in the auditorium. Hope to see you there! Also, if you’re interested in having one of the audition script packets, please see Mrs. Parker.

FALL HARVEST DANCE: Hornets are you ready for Spooktacular time!! The Northeast PTO will be hosting the Fall Harvest Dance on Friday, October 19th, 7-9pm. This dance is for any eligible students who receive a pass from their teacher. Cost of admission is $5.00. Costumes are definitely welcome, but not mandatory. We can’t wait to see some of the creativity that our hornets have!! Masks are NOT allowed, but face paint is. Our awesome snack stand will be open. We will also be having the edible Sandy Candy sticks for you to create for $3.00/pc. Come and hang with your friends dressed to impress, you never know you may even earn a prize for your costume!! See you October 19th!!

BOXTOPS: Please fill up your boxtop sheets and send in your boxtops to school by October 19th. Student leadership needs your help to reach our goal of 1,000 dollars. Students who bring in full sheet will be entered in a school wide drawing to win a prize.

AFTER SCHOOL VOCAL GROUPS: Rehearsal schedule for the week of October 9 – all rehearsals this week are from 3:10-4:00 in the chorus room. See you then!

  • Thursday, October 11, 2018 Girls Group
  • Friday, October 12, 2018 Boys Group/NE Singers – boys

CHORUS CONTRACTS: All 6th, 7th, and 8th grade chorus members are to return their chorus contracts as soon as possible. Please return them to Mrs. Parker in the chorus room.

BOYS BASKETBALL: -Attention 7th and 8th grade boys.  There will be a boys basketball open gym on Thursday, October 11th from 3:15 to 4:15pm.  If you are participating in a Fall sport, you will NOT be allowed to attend.  See Coach Carlstrom in A106 if you have any questions.

DROP OFF TABLE: Student Services has a drop off table.  If you are expecting something dropped off, please come to the Student Services drop off table for pick up. Ms. Osorio will write you a hall pass or sign your pass.  If you are expecting money, please see Ms. Osorio. Money will not be left on the table.

BOXTOPS: Want to help our school raise money? Please bring in boxtops for education. Boxtops can be found on so many items! Simply cut them off and bring them to your homeroom teacher. Homeroom teachers can then send them to Mrs. Derrington or Mrs. Braido and student council will take care of the rest.

SAFE TO TELL: It’s SAFE to Tell.”  The SAFE Team exists to help students with problems in a confidential manner to help remove any and all barriers to education.  You can refer your friends or yourself.  Just fill out the SAFE to Tell form which you can find in your homeroom, Student Services, the Library and the Main Office and drop the form in the SAFE Box or give it to your homeroom teacher who will deposit the form for you.  Don’t worry, “It’s Safe To Tell.