Home / News / School Spirit Week, October 22-25, 2018


To prepare for the close of our Fall Sports and Big Football Night game against Broughal we will hold Spirit Week starting on Monday, October 22nd and ending on Thursday, October 25. If you would like to participate, here is the following schedule of activities for the week. Please encourage your homerooms to show their spirit.

  • Monday 10/22 – Pajama Day
  • Tuesday 10/23 – Favorite Sports Team Shirt Day
  • Wednesday 10/24 – Mis-match Day
  • Thursday 10/25 – Green and White Day.

If students participate in all 4 days they will receive a ticket to the game on Thursday night.  Homeroom teachers please let Mr. Korcienski know how many tickets you need for students who participated after homeroom on Thursday, 10/25.