Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of October 21, 2018


Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for our last full week of October. This week ends with our city celebrating Halloween on Friday night. We ask that everyone be extra careful traveling about trick or treating.

Our band and color guard will have a very busy week as they will be part of our night football game against Broughal on Thursday, and then they will turn around and march in our Bethlehem Halloween Parade on Sunday.  We wish them all the best as they show us why we are so Northeast P.R.O.U.D.! We celebrate Spirit Week this week because our Football and Volleyball teams have their last games of the season this week. Starting at 5:30 p.m. tomorrow our Volleyball team will play in their last games in a round robin tournament at Freedom High School to decide the city championship.  We wish our girls all the best as they end their season on the court. On Thursday night at our BASD stadium our Football team will end its season when they take on Broughal. The game begins at 5:00 p.m. We wish them the best as they go under the lights for the first time this season.

Believe it or not, this week our teachers can begin the process of placing their final first quarter grades into the computer.  Be sure you as a parent are not surprised when receiving your child’s first report card by going online now to get up to date progress on how your child is doing.  Parents and students can easily access our BASD Schoology and other BASD technology resources at home via our Northeast website by simply using the Parents & Students pull-down menu.  We have placed picture tutorials and specific direction on accessing these online tools on our website.  The About BASD Technology Resources page has three “how to” pdfs for accessing Schoology.  You can also access BASD Schoology directly from this pull-down menu.  It is a simple, easy and fast way to get all the information you want to know about how your child is performing.  Should you have any questions or need information about accessing the Bethlehem Area School District Home Access Center, please call our main office and ask for Mrs. Rodriquez.

This concludes our weekly Northeast Shout Out for the Week of October 22.  Have a great remainder to your weekend!