Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of November 4, 2018


Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for our first full week of November, the month dedicated to showing our thankfulness. This week is quite busy for our faculty here at Northeast as we wrap up the 1st quarter with the distribution of our report cards next week on Tuesday, November 13th. Truly no one should be surprised by the 1st quarter grades as we have done everything possible to make sure parents and students alike are aware of the progress children are experiencing in school. I do believe the 1st quarter grades will come as a wake up call for some of our children who did not realize the amount of effort they must put forth to be successful. Whether coming into Northeast from the elementary school or transitioning from 6th grade to 7th grade or 7th grade to 8th grade, the demands and expectations continue to get greater each year for children thus requiring all of us to put forth more of an effort to help children be successful. Hopefully our children are up for the challenges as they progress throughout this school year and each year that follows. Children will review their progress with parents during our 1st quarter Student Led Conferences. Students will bring home a letter outlining the goals for these conferences tomorrow.

This past week we received our student pictures taken in September. If you wish to have you child’s photo retaken or your child was absent on picture day, they should dress for the photos scheduled for tomorrow, Monday the 5th. Retakes require that your child bring in their original photos in order to have a new photo taken. On Tuesday, November 6th, be reminded that it is Election Day and that schools in the Bethlehem Area School District are closed. Many of our schools are used as polling places, and Northeast is one of those schools. Our teachers on that day will be busy with teacher in-service being held at Nitschmann for the entire district middle level staff.  It is always a busy day without students, but we always look forward to their return, so that we can practice what we have learned on their day off.

After our in-service day, we are busy with a fall field trip for our Leaders’ Rock 2.0 team to Roosevelt Park on Wednesday. On Friday our band and orchestra parents will be hosting a movie night for band and orchestra members and their families. This movie night event will be held in our auditorium and is always a hit with our students. Also on Friday our 8th grade boys’ volleyball squad will be taking on our three rival city schools in a volleyball tournament hosted at Liberty High School. Saturday there will be a Drive-Thru Flu Vaccine Clinic in the parking lot of East Hills from 10 a.m. through 1 p.m. Have a great remainder to your weekend!