Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of January 13, 2019


Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for the week of January 13th. This week in our school news we start with us having  our monthly Parent Association Meeting in the Cafeteria Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m. and that meeting is followed by our monthly Band Parent meeting at 7:00. Our parents do such a fabulous job supporting our students here at school and any additional help or support you can provide would be greatly appreciated. One way to support NEPTO is too patronize Big Woody’s on Thursday evening when all partial proceeds from the tables will be donated to our parent organization. The hours are from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Hope to see you there.

In athletics this week both our boys and girls basketball teams have two games each. On Monday our children play Raub Middle School, with our boys being here at home and our girls away. Then on Thursday, our teams play our cross-town rivals Broughal. Our girls are here at home for this rivalry and it is always a hard fought game. We wish our athletes the best in these and all the games they play.

Also for you future planning, please note that Northeast’s Rally 4 Peace will be presenting their annual show at The Ice House on Monday, January 21st at 5 PM and doors open at 4:45 PM. The show is free and we’d like to invite our Northeast family and friends to attend. Thank you for everyone who came out to support our Theater Company this morning you made us Northeast P.O.U.R.D! Have a great remainder to your weekend.