Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of April 14, 2019


Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for this third week of April and the beginning of our state testing, the PSSAs. We ask that as parents you help us promote your child’s best performance on these state assessments by continuing to encourage your child to do their best and also by providing your child with support in the following areas:

  • Attendance to school daily and on time
  • Support in getting a good night’s sleep
  • Support in maintaining your child’s normal morning routines
  • Insuring that your child eats a nutritious breakfast
  • By avoiding the scheduling of appointments during our testing window
  • And by continuing to be sure your child takes these assessments seriously

These assessments are extremely challenging for all children and everyone’s effort to support our children is appreciated. This first week of the PSSA testing will focus on Reading/Language Arts and will given in the mornings of Monday through Wednesday. Due to our focus on testing we do ask that the majority of our after-school activities be suspended during the testing. We also ask that our teachers suspend the administration of all major tests during the days of testing as well. We do however encourage your children to read every evening and to continue to practice their Math XL’s if possible.

The exceptions to our after-school activities being suspended are the spring sports that are scheduled and our parent association meetings. In sports both soccer and softball are scheduled to play Monday and Wednesday. The softball team plays Monday at Northampton and at home against Eyer on Wednesday. Our soccer team plays away Monday against Raub and at home Wednesday against South Mountain.

If you need a break from cooking this week, help support Northeast by heading to Martellucci’s Pizzeria on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday for Northeast Eats Out Night.  Martellucci’s will give our school a donation for every sale for those three days.

Finally please note that on Thursday our students are scheduled for a half day due to teacher in-service with dismissal at 11:35 a.m.  Students do not have school Friday, because of our shortened Spring Break.

We wish everyone a most pleasant end to the weekend and remind our students to get a good night’s sleep so they can perform well on the PSSA’s starting tomorrow.