Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of May 26, 2019


Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our “Northeast Sunday Shout Out” for our week following the Memorial Day Holiday. This is the week we see our end of year activities begin with field days, our 8th grade Track Meet, Spring Concert and our 8th grade Farewell Dance. It all begins on Wednesday evening when we have our Spring Concert, which includes our Choruses, World Percussion Ensemble and Orchestra. The concert begins at 7 p.m.

On Thursday our 8th graders challenge our other 3 Bethlehem middle schools in our 8th grade track meet at Liberty’s Banko stadium. Also on Thursday our Leaders Rock team enjoys an end of the year bowling trip in the afternoon. On Friday our school really gets hopping when we have our 6th grade field day, our 7th grade World Explorers field trip to Philadelphia and our 8th grade Farewell Dance. This should make for a great end to our week as we celebrate the last day of May.      

To end our second to last “Sunday Shout Out” for this school year, I prepare everyone for the closing by reminding our 8th grade parents of our “Moving Up Ceremony” next Monday, June 3rd. Our ceremony begins promptly at 7 p.m. We will remind you again about our ceremony next Sunday. Finally we hope everyone has a very pleasant Memorial Day, and we look forward to having our students back to school on Tuesday.