Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for May 30, 2019


BASD FALL SPORTS PHYSICALS: Attention fall sports participants. Once again, the Bethlehem Area School District along with St Luke’s will offer physicals. On Monday, June 3, they will be held at Liberty from 5-7pm and on Wednesday, June 5, at Freedom. Please pick up and complete a physical packet from the office or Mr. Korcienski’s room. In addition, please make sure you wear sneakers as there is an agility portion to the physical.

DANCE RECITAL: Any student who is interested in attending a dance recital with Mrs. Parker this Saturday evening should see Mrs. Parker either today or tomorrow.  Thanks to Miss Connie’s Broadway Bound Dance Center, we have received 20 donated complimentary tickets to students and a parent to attend.  Again, please see Mrs. Parker if you are interested in attending.  Thank you!

LIBRARY: It’s time to get those library books returned to the Northeast Library! We thank all those responsible students who have already returned their library books, but…. we still need around 90 students to be responsible and get those books returned! Go and search! That book is somewhere – your locker, your backpack, maybe even your bedroom! Find that book and get it returned to the library NOW!

TALENT SHOW: Attention students! The talent show is coming up on the last day of school. Mr. Huie is looking for dancers, rappers, singers, bands… Anybody that has a talent! The act must be complete. If you’re singing or rapping to a song, you must be singing or rapping to the karaoke/instrumental version of the song. Talent show auditions are on Thursday, May 30th. Please get ready and do your best!


  • BOYS BASKETBALL: Attention 6th and 7th grade boys.  There will be a boy’s open gym on Thursday, 5/30 from 3:15 to 4:15 in the Main gym.

DROP OFF TABLE: Student Services has a drop off table.  If you are expecting something dropped off, please come to the Student Services drop off table for pick up. Ms. Osorio will write you a hall pass or sign your pass.  If you are expecting money, please see Ms. Osorio. Money will not be left on the table.

BOXTOPS: Want to help our school raise money? Please bring in boxtops for education. Boxtops can be found on so many items! Simply cut them off and bring them to your homeroom teacher. Homeroom teachers can then send them to Mrs. Derrington or Mrs. Braido and student council will take care of the rest.

SAFE TO TELL: It’s SAFE to Tell.”  The SAFE Team exists to help students with problems in a confidential manner to help remove any and all barriers to education.  You can refer your friends or yourself.  Just fill out the SAFE to Tell form which you can find in your homeroom, Student Services, the Library and the Main Office and drop the form in the SAFE Box or give it to your homeroom teacher who will deposit the form for you.  Don’t worry, “It’s Safe To Tell.