Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of September 8, 2019


Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. This is our weekly “Shout Out” for our first full week of school in September beginning tomorrow, September 9th. We start by thanking everyone that was able to come out on Thursday to our Open House. We have much to be PROUD and excited about here at Northeast, and we are glad we were able to share those PROUD aspects with everyone in attendance. If you were unable to attend our Open House and have any questions about our school, please contact your child’s guidance counselor or Team Leader by calling the school at (610) 868-8581.  

This week our Northeast NEPTO group of parents is holding its first meeting of this school year on Wednesday evening beginning at 6:00 p.m. in our cafeteria. The meeting is immediately followed by our Northeast Band Parents’ meeting held in the band room. We hope to see a great turnout for this first “official” parent organization meeting.  

With school now in full gear I want to again remind everyone to please be careful if you do transport your child to school or pick your child up after school. We are entering and dismissing almost 800 students from our building, and we want to do everything possible to keep our children safe. Your patience and adherence to traffic laws is vital to our children’s safety. Please exercise safety while bringing or picking up your children from school.       

In sports this week our fall sports are in full gear. Our Volleyball team plays twice this week. On Tuesday we are home against Harrison Morton and then Thursday away against East Hills.   Our runners in Cross Country have a meet as well on Thursday at Northampton and finally our Football team plays away on Saturday up north against Pocono Mountain West. As always we wish all of our athletes the best.   

Finally we end our Shout Out hoping everyone is able to take a moment on Wednesday to remember those who lost their lives 18 years ago in the tragic events of 9/11. May we get to a point where we all live in a world without terrorism and hatred, so that our children can raise their children in a world without that fear. As a school we will take time first thing in the morning to help bring that point home for our students in our annual Patriot Day event.    

Have a great remainder to your weekend!