Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of September 29, 2019


Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for this week which starts October. Please note we have passed the official midpoint for the quarter. If you have not checked on your child’s grades on Schoology, please do so as we no longer send out official “mid-quarter” reports. If you need assistance or access to your parent portal information, please call the main office at 610-868-8581 and ask for Mrs. Rodriquez. All teachers are using Schoology on a regular basis, and this student information system is excellent providing information on your child’s daily progress in classes. Should you have any concerns about your child’s progress and grades, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your child’s guidance counselor or team leader. We will be having a parent training on the use of Schoology during this month’s NEPTO meeting on the 16th. More information will follow regarding this parent training.

This week is rather quiet here at Northeast regarding evening events. One thing we want to emphasize this week as we are getting into full swing with our before and after school activities and clubs is communication. If your child is involved in one of our “extra-curricular” activities please communicate with one another the particulars of the activity and ways and means of pick up or drop off here at school. With so much happening it is important that parents know the details of what the children are doing and how they are getting to and from the activity they are involved in. Another thing we will be emphasizing this week with our students is our emergency preparedness. We typically do not inform parents when emergency drills are being conducted for security reasons, but we want you to know we will be conducting a “Lock In” drill this week. With all that has been happening in the world it is important we are as prepared as we are able to be for the worst and that we continue to work hard to achieve the best!    

In sports this week our Volleyball team plays three times this week. They are at Broughal on Monday and at Nitschmann on Wednesday and then home against Lower Macungie on Friday.  Also, this week on Thursday our Cross-Country runners have their final meet at Monacacy. Lastly in sports our Football team plays East Hills at Nitschmann on Saturday. The game is scheduled to start at 11:30 a.m. In the performing arts arena, our Northeast Singers will be kicking off the District’s “Any Given Child” initiative with a performance on Wednesday at Nitschmann Middle School. The performance is at 5:15p.m.  

Finally, we end our “Shout Out” reminding parents and families of two of our fundraisers we have going here at school. First please remember that our Save Around coupon book orders are due by tomorrow, September 30th. If you do not want to purchase the book, you must return it by tomorrow. Please look to support our athletics by visiting P.J. Whelihan’s in Bethlehem on Thursday, October 3rd when they donate a percentage of their daily sales back to our Northeast athletic programs.  

 Have a great remainder to your weekend!