Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of October 6, 2019


Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for the first full week of October. This week we see a day off for students on Wednesday as the district recognizes Yom Kippur. We also see the first rotation of our encore classes end tomorrow and a new rotation start up on Tuesday. There are 6 total rotations in the school year, meaning that we are about to complete one sixth of the school year.  

Our before and after school activities and clubs are now in full swing and communication is key. If your child is involved in one of our “extra-curricular” activities, please communicate with one another the particulars of the activity and ways and means of pick up or drop off here at school. With so much happening it is important that parents know the details of what the children are doing and how they are getting to and from the activity they are involved in. Communication is vital to keeping everything running smoothly and safely.  Should you have particular questions regarding our activities and clubs, please feel free to contact Mrs. Bush here at school, extension 42902.   

Again, we end our “Shout Out” with our schedule for our fall sports teams. Our girls volleyball team plays three times this week. They are home against Whitehall on Tuesday and away against Eyer on Monday and at Springhouse on Thursday. Also, on Thursday our cross-country runners have a meet at Freedom. To finish the week, our football team plays Nitschmann at Freedom High School on Saturday. The game starts at 10:30 a.m. To cheer on all of our fall sports teams, we will be holding a pep rally on Friday afternoon to show our school spirit.   

 Have a great remainder to your weekend!